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Layer 6: To be viral and Speedy? Or not

Story time: I’ve never really enjoyed things that take a long time to happen.

I loved running–no, sorry, ‘walking’ as fast as possible but not quite running–down the hallways of middle school.

Then I would plunk in my chair and read as fast as I could so I could get to the end.

When the teacher began class, I’d close the book and tilt it to assess what percentage I had read, how close I was to the end.

I wanted to GET THERE.

These days there are so many opportunities to go viral–to explode and for it to be FAST.

I understand the appeal for that.

Instant success, career support, influence to change the world.

Being a bestseller. Huge crowds. Being on talk shows.

Wow. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

And it does happen…

But the thing is that when people are in a hurry, they miss things.

I know because I did. One day I was hustling along in my life and then I looked up and realized, I’d sped-walked my way totally in the wrong direction.

I didn’t take things through all the layers I’ve shared with you.

I didn’t come back to center and ask what I really wanted enough times to understand my priorities.

One day I realized I had adopted priorities that were not mine–I’d acted as if success in my career was all that mattered and once I was successful then I would be ‘enough’.

To prioritize all that, I’d learned to ignore major feelings I had and participated in invalidating myself.

When I realized it, I saw I’d put all this work and effort in for years, going in a direction I didn’t like anymore.

I was unhappy, and I didn’t even know who I was or what I really wanted.

I’d missed a lot of things in favor of working…

Was it worth it? No, but I did learn in the end.

I learned to slow down enough to check in with myself.

Believe me, I still whiz around a LOT but I work really hard to take that time to reconnect.

Because my inner world is just as important as the outside world, if not 10x more. That is where my inner genius is.

The truth is that things are changing all the time.

That when my priorities are different than how I was taught, I tend to forget and backslide.

I have to be careful not to get too far ahead of myself in thinking about where I am headed.

Because things inside and out change all the time, this is a process of taking one step at a time!

God, that is boring.

I just wanted to zip to going viral, having it all made.

But what if I went viral and I wasn’t ready?

What if I got under a huge public eye and wanted to change and then felt all this pressure to stay the same?

What if I got there and felt just as empty as I had before? Because it didn’t really address what I wanted deep down, all along?

What if what I wanted, for instance, was to be accepted and there I went putting myself on a pedestal so it was hard for anyone to relate to me and connect the way deep down I truly wanted?

I could really see that happening.

My solution? I have to remember that this is a process.

I have to take the steps to remain connected to myself to go the right direction.

And I have to do this even though it is so easy for me to think of this as a ‘distraction’ from speeding along.


Oof! How many times does the universe need to smack me in the head to help me remember not to rush and rush and rush towards a goal?

And breathe. And be patient.

But remember:

It’s possible to go viral for the wrong reason.

It’s possible to get known for something when you aren’t really ready.

When you don’t have the clarity yet–and you could push yourself to go quickly and then end up regretting not spending a little more time on things.

If success has not happened yet, maybe it is for a reason.

Maybe you could still aim towards your goal but focus on enjoying the process as much as you can.

You will clarify what you need every step of the way.

I know this might seem counter to what I said last week about ‘the push’ and how sometimes you just need to take a leap–

But that is because in some situations taking leaps, while knowing they are going to be imperfect and a little too ‘early’…

Can be good.

And the goal and intention is not to go viral.

It’s because leaping can be part of the process of realizing if you are on track or not, getting feedback from how you feel about things and dipping a toe in.

Step by step.

Take a step, then you can see if you want to keep going that way. It could be exactly what you need to do to find clarity.

I’m assuming you’ll probably change your mind after doing it because you get clear you want to do it a little differently, maybe.

And it is a part of the process.

Where are you being impatient with your process?

Where are you telling yourself you need to go faster?

Where can you insert some space to reconnect to yourself, your needs and your priorities?

Take it as your challenge this week!!


Get clear on what to write (books, salespages, marketing and more) and have FUN connecting to the people you’re here to serve. 

Go deeper into this and other themes from the 7 layer series in the live summer workshops now open for registration!

It will take each layer deeper and help you tap into your inner genius.

The 7 Layer Writing Vision Activation Live group is open!!

Check it out

For PEOPLE ON A MISSION who want to write for business, website, copywriting, content, or a book.

  • Know what to write next because you have clear vision and inspiration at every step
  • Make important decisions so you do the right thing for you and your project
  • Share your book or business so the right people get drawn to your work


Tailored to your needs, these hour long sessions dive into your writing vision so you get clear on what to write and share your soul with the people who need to hear it

Includes live exercises + Q&A


Get your questions answered between workshop sessions with free weekly texts and voice note communication with Sofia. Shared in a private group for 6 months.


Instant access to the online vault for the ‘Psychic Mermaid Creatrix’ course will help you clear the fog and tap into your inner mermaid, so you can get started finding the next best step for your project right away.

Includes Worksheets & 40+ videos


Instant access to the simple system to organize your ideas, and projects with prompts and training to know what to do next. Everything is customizable! Perfect for people juggling a lot.

Includes Digital Templates + Video Training

If you want to write for your business or book and connect to the people you are here to serve, this could be perfect for you.

Click here to join the group to write together this summer and over the next 6 months!

Or get clear on what to write with the free 7 layer series delivered by email here.