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Layer 5: Avoid the crickets…

Exciting announcement at the end of this post!

But first–have you ever experienced crickets when you went to share something?

A lack luster response?

No response?

I have been there, and today we are going to talk about something that is going to really help you whip up your audience, i.e. your people,

into a high level of excitement around what you are doing and writing.

It could be a book or it could be for your business, either way, I want people to be super-stoked to get their hands on what you have to offer!

To me–this is what writing is really all about, making a connection and reaching the people.

Who, now?


The people who get you,

who need what you have to say,

who were born on this planet to interact with you

–somehow, someway…

but you have to take the actions.

So what happens when you do the work, you go to make that move to share and nothing very fulfilling happens?

What’s happening there?

Well, it could be that your writing vision is unclear, or you didn’t have a good sense of your audience so people do not understand what you are saying…


Or it could be that you are missing this part of the puzzle–you need to let people know earlier that it is coming.

If there is anything I have learned in my 10 years in business, and 20 years publishing my writing online, it is this:

telling people about your ideas as early as possible will build more support and excitement.

Whether you are putting out a book one day

Launching a course to come,

Or advertising a service

You have to let people know you are working on it


People need some time to warm up to an idea.

It is nice to let them know well in advance that something is coming, because then if they are only paying half attention they will still get the significance of your announcement.

The course.

The book.

The program.

If you mention it enough, clearly enough, to enough people, enough times, then by the time your work or writing is ready, someone will see it coming and already BE excited.

You don’t have to feel ready to start telling people about your book or business project.

A way to do this is simply to share the process as it unfolds, rather than waiting until you have a perfect, amazing, 100% done thing.

Ways to word it when it is not done:

Something is coming,

You are thinking about doing something,

You are exploring an idea–

The people I serve tend to resist this.

I believe it is because they want to protect themselves…

They do not want to make a mistake along the way.

It was hard for me, too.

I get it. If this is you, I see you.

It is okay to be cautious.

But there is a problem with this because it makes you noncommitta

Also, you aren’t letting anyone support you until you are ‘perfect’.

That would imply you aren’t good enough right now, when you probably ARE already pretty awesome.

You probably deep down are kind of a genius.

And this idea of yours could have a lot of potential.

So I’ll keep urging you to explore this resistance around sharing before you are ready.

Maybe you do not want to commit to your idea.

Do you feel like you need to be 100% clear, sure and committed or DONE in order to announce your project is coming?

People do not like to announce things before they are ready or before they are certain.

Makes sense.

You could change your mind.

Or want to wait until another time.

Or even want to ditch the project all together.

Or it could flop and then if you do not announce it, no one needs to know!

The problem is that if you wait until everything is ready, then people will not know that it is coming.

You will be really certain and excited and ready for them, but they will not be ready for you.

That could be tragically disappointing and discouraging.

I have had clients who stopped writing or pursuing a dream for a very long time due to a lack of response.

In addition to missing an opportunity to be supported, you could miss something else.

There is a lot of information you could gain from sharing early.

Sharing will get you putting things into words for an audience, getting feedback and even improving your writing.

I know it’s still uncomfortable.

In order to get to the point where you can even EMBRACE the idea of possibly telling someone about anything you are writing or about to offer,

‘before it is ready’,

and take advantage of the huge opportunity of starting early,

You need to drill into this concept:

You are allowed to change your mind.

You are allowed to improve an idea and change it completely.

You can announce to the world–

Hey, I’m working on a book!

Hey, I’m writing a speech!

Hey, I’m thinking of starting a podcast!

Hey, I have ideas for my upcoming course!

And then you can go back and be like–never mind.

I have changed my priorities!

I have altered the timeline!

I have found something else to do instead!

Are you afraid that would look foolish?

If you change your mind, it doesn’t necessarily look foolish

To me, it looks confident:

Someone who believes in themselves and what is right for them.

If you start sharing about in an imperfect fashion,

you will learn more along the way AND

you will gather more interested folks.

Time really is your friend, because not everyone will catch on right away.

By the time you are feeling ready to publish, share or open your course up for sale, you want everyone to be really excited about it.

That is the time when you want to feel a really big crowd around you!!

But it can take time for people to get excited, so that’s why it is good to start early.

Do you feel you need to be certain or right?

If that holds you back from sharing early, know that it is okay to change your mind.

Changing your mind can be really smart.

This is what happens when you set a goal (like badasses do) but then you gather new information (like smart people do).

It’s only natural to make adjustments in your goals based on new information.

And sometimes you can only gain new information by putting forward an initial target.

It’s like having an experiment and making a hypothesis—no one in science class cares if your hypothesis was right

The point is just to start somewhere and then gather information so you learn something.



I recommend this approach because it also means you don’t stay undecided forever!

You leap, and correct.

And the best part is that lots of people will still love you and support whatever you end up doing.

Even if you change your mind.

That’s because you let them into your process, and now they are part of it with you!

Yayyy for feeling connected and loved. <3

And now:

Is there a way you can let your people know what you are thinking up and dreaming up?

(Think small! A sentence or a little snippet of something can be a great start!)

If your plans have changed since you shared something in the past, can you give your people an update on what’s going on with you now?

If you have been interested in going deeper into this 7 layer series or curious about it, the workshops are now open for registration!

It will take each layer deeper and help you tap into your inner genius.

​Get clear on what to write and have FUN connecting to the people you’re here to serve. ​

Registration for the Live group is now open!!

You can now join us in the online live group program.

And for a limited time it is on sale!

Sign up by May 16th at 11:00 PM EST to save $111


Registration is open for the LIVE workshops that go even deeper

“7 Layer Writing Vision Activation” course.

For PEOPLE ON A MISSION who want to write for business, websites, copywriting, content, or a book.

  • Know what to write next because you have clear vision and inspiration at every step
  • Make important decisions so you do the right thing for you and your project
  • Share your book or business so the right people get drawn to your work

​Sign up by May 16th at 11:00 PM EST to save $111


-7 live online group coaching meetings:

a 7 Layer Writing Vision Activation journey spanning every two weeks from June-August to deep dive into clarifying your writing vision so you can get it out from your soul, onto the page and into the world.

-Bonus Worksheets & 40+ videos

The online vault for my Homestudy course Psychic Mermaid Creatrix will help you tap into your inner mermaid, so you always know what to do next to write and do business from your inner genius

-Bonus Notion Template Set:

Digital Templates + Video Training to organize your ideas, projects and keep you focused on what you need to do to make significant progress. Everything is customizable!

Bonus Group Voxer Coaching:

Get your questions answered between workshop sessions with free weekly texts and voice note communication with Sofia. Shared in a private group for 6 months. (Wow, don’t know if I will offer this lengthy bonus again!)

If you have been hanging out in my community for a while, wanting to write for your business or book, this could be perfect for you.

​Grab the $111 discount and sign up by May 16th at 11:00 PM EST​

I support you in reaching the people you are here to serve. Have fun while doing it. xo

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