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Layer 4: egads the push

The other day I spoke about uncertainty and how to face it when trying to write for your business or book.

I basically gave you a permission slip to ignore the tiny voice in your head that says:

you are behind and need to make twenty billion decisions this second so that you can move forward in a certain and sure way.


Breathe because sometimes you need to let a few things ‘fall in the cracks’–

elegantly so, in a way where you have a way to remind yourself to revisit it–

And stop thinking about it until it’s really time for it.


What if you wait forever to do or write something because they you want to be sure it is the right thing,

And then you are never certain?

What if that sure-fire plan or idea you are waiting for is never going to come?

This is one of those moments where I have to say there isn’t a single solution to apply to every situation.

Sending you love!

Man life is sure complicated, huh?


It is an individual thing dependent on the situation, and I can’t write one email to address it all

That’s where 1:1 support like my live group sessions and voxer support can really help you figure out:

Do you need to wait on writing until you are clearer in your mind, or should you give yourself a little push out of the nest?

Signs up for that kind of support are going to be coming soon!!


what I want to get across is that everything does not necessarily need to be perfect before you can move forward.

Sometimes you are hanging on the edge about something and that hanging energy is holding you back.

And in that moment you just need to decide.

You decide that you are going to move the energy yourself.

It WILL move forward, you decide. “I’m going to make it happen.”

As you take imperfect action, the ideas and clarity will meet you along the way.

Writing is kinda like that sometimes. Not all the time, but sometimes.

Sometimes inspiration is like a noncommittal friend.

They cannot tell you if they want to hang out or not,

but who as soon as you make your own decision and announce,

“Tonight I’m all about tacos, do you want to meet me there?”

They hear that and they are there with bells on.

In those cases here is the deal:

A lot of the time, you can take what you know, and start doing things.

Make a best guess as to what to do next.

For instance, if you know you want to write to cat-owners but you don’t know exactly what to say:

-Maybe you could just sit down and brainstorm some things that they might care about.

-Maybe you could do a google search or look on youtube and see what cat loving people are talking about.

-Maybe you could go have some conversations with real life people who own cats.

That experience of doing any one of those things could open you up to write–

in a way that sitting around or idly thinking about the situation never will.

People so often want to find solutions by thinking and not acting.

Sometimes you need to take a step and let that take you through to the next step.

The clarity will meet you there.

To attempt to jump without certainty, you have to be edgy and dare to fly without a net.

Which is why you always have to start with love and acceptance of your right timing, and not judge how much time something is taking.

That creates an inner form of safety.

Once you have that, the next part is easier.

You can be courageous and trust that there is something to catch you on the other side.

Some foolishness or mistake on your part isn’t going to send the whole operation falling on top of you like a house of cards.

You can bounce back, adjust and change course along the way.

In all honesty–the ‘leap and correct it later’ method is how it works for the most part, or at least in my experience.

After ten years I’m still writing and doing business.

Still getting thank yous from the people I am helping and serving.

Still paying bills with this gift I give the world, and having fun along the way.

I owe my consistency as a writer and entrepreneur to

Making the leap.

Learning through experience.

Adjusting and correcting course

all. the. time.

I have seen many of my clients and others hold back,

because they aren’t certain, and that means they get less done.

Or they disappear.

No idea what they are doing because it never actually got done.

And maybe that is better for them, I cannot judge.

It really just depends on What YOU Want.

Note: I am not here to be an English teacher and chide anyone for being behind.

It’s not my vibe, I don’t do that.

I just want to point out whatever is needed to help you get what you want.

The biggest critic we need to deal with is our own.

If you are feeling a twinge of judgment, tell your inner critic:

Whatever happened before in the past happened exactly as it had to–as it was meant to.

But it doesn’t mean you can’t create a plot twist today.

If you don’t like how the past has added up in terms of results for you, your writing or your business,

maybe it is time to just start throwing some spaghetti against the wall.

Try something different.


You could try it a little and see how it goes.

At the end of the day I DO believe that you are here to help someone in a win-win way.

It’s my purpose to help you to shine.

I do not do that by rubbing your nose in mistakes.

I don’t even call them a mistake.

It felt right yesterday, so really, who can call it that?

Things are either what happened yesterday, or what’s going down today.

Is today the day where you can make some kind of move beyond thinking about your project?

Even if it doesn’t look like traditional writing?

-Dedicate your yoga to the project.

-EFT Tap through feelings about it

-Hire someone to help you

-Go to your journal and write about whatever you feel about it or what holds you back

-Meditate on how it would feel to break through to the other side of your completed project and all the benefits that would have for you

-Read testimonials or remember times you helped someone so you feel like your work or message matters.

I use these things as a regular part of my practice and use tools like this with my clients who are not sure what to do.

I have recorded over 40+ videos on different ways to work with your project when things are uncertain. These are in my video vault.

I have all kinds of tools to tap into your creative genius (i.e. your inner mermaid) so you can create in a way that flows.

You can get access to that immediately when you sign up for the next summer live group.

You will also get 1:1 support to help you through tricky moments like knowing when it is time to hold back and when to make a move.

Life is sometimes easier with someone else to help you figure things out.

I am here to support you in whatever works for you and your projects not to pass judgment.

Hope this got something stirring for you today!

And keep an eye out for signups coming soon for the upcoming summer workshop series!

Registration opening soon for the workshops that go even deeper

“7 Layer Writing Vision Activation” course,

Get clear on what to write.

-Write for your business, tweak your website, do copywriting, create content, or get clear on what your book is about.

-Develop clarity so you know what to do next to find the right words to share with people.

-Make important decisions and effectively share your book or business so the right people get drawn to your work

Make progress on all the writing you need to do for your business or book.


-7 live online group coaching meetings:

a 7 Layer Writing Vision Activation journey spanning every two weeks from June-August to deep dive into clarifying your writing vision so you can get it out from your soul, onto the page and into the world.

-Bonus Worksheets & 40+ videos

The online vault for my Homestudy course Psychic Mermaid Creatrix will help you tap into your inner mermaid, so you always know what to do next to write and do business from your inner genius

-Bonus Notion Template Set:

Digital Templates + Video Training to organize your ideas, projects and keep you focused on what you need to do to make significant progress. Everything is customizable!

Bonus Group Voxer Coaching:

Get your questions answered between workshop sessions with free weekly texts and voice note communication with Sofia. Shared in a private group for 6 months. (Wow, don’t know if I will offer this lengthy bonus again!)

Signups are coming soon for

the “7 Layer Writing Vision Activation” online workshops.

You can meet with us live June-August!

Watch out for my next blog about layer 5.

Or get the whole series by email here so you know what to write next