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Layer 4: An Uncertain Place

There is something different about this blog compared to any others in this series on activating your writing vision to know what to write:

I used to know what I would say a week ahead of time.

I wrote up my emails ahead of time in a nice juicy draft.

Last week, I moved to a new apartment down the street in Madison, WI.

My head became a sieve.

This letter came in drips and drabs, while the previous ones came out in a torrent.

The truth is that sometimes when when I sit down to write,

I do not know what to say entirely.

There are moments of uncertainty.

As much as I may have a system at this point that helps me to remain highly consistent in communicating to my peeps,

Even during huge periods of life change,

I can still be at a loss. I can still have struggle.

I can still have UNCERTAINTY.

I say that good writing is about making decisions–

Which is why not being certain and not making decisions, feels like a problem.

If writing something good is about making decisions,

then does not making clear, quick decisions mean that you are not a good writer?

Procrastinating, stalling…

I want to address this topic in this blog.

In almost 10 years of supporting entrepreneurs, writers and change-makers to write, I’ve noticed a pattern.

People get very hard on themselves for not knowing exactly what to do next all of the time.

Miss a single beat and it’s like the inner critic has a field day.

If you are feeling tired and want to rest, it’s like suddenly you are going to lose all your progress.

If you didn’t work on your writing, you suck.


If you are overwhelmed and don’t know what to do next, the inner critic starts overwhelming you even more!

By adding judgment to the situation.

But it’s really helpful because it makes you want to write more….

Not really.

I think the point is to write from a place of understanding your value and respecting your uniqueness.

That way you will create writing that has this message and you will more easily convey it to the people you want to speak to.

Then they will listen to what you say and see the value in your message and your work.

How can self-judgment be a good tool to accelerate this process?

Although I do coach writers and entrepreneurs on how to make progress writing, I am not your English teacher.

I am not here to wave fingers in your face and tell you that you are behind.

There is no F I will assign you.

That is what scars people for life!

If I were to do that, you may never write again!!

Let’s remove the charge behind the word, ‘behind.’




I blow raspberries at this concept.

Sooooooooo many people, including myself, waste even more time feeling bad about how slow they are at doing things.

The truth is that it does not matter any more what happened yesterday, there is only today.

And sometimes procrastination is because of being undecided about how to do something.

You are waiting on making a decision,

Refraining from making a determination,

Which, yes, to some eyes can look like procrastinating

Like a bad child in grade school…

[By the way–was that child ‘bad’?

Maybe they needed help to do their homework, or love or support or understanding?

I feel for that kid…]

It is more complicated than bad or good.

Rarely is it as simple as blaming you as ‘bad’ or ‘lazy’. It is more complex than that.

My private clients and I dig into this and their situations.

All my coaching evidence that says that not writing is for a reason,

a much more INTERESTING reason…

A reason such as a lack of certainty, or a lack of information.

Maybe a heaping of B.S. learned from an English teacher…

And if you think about it, in life, sometimes it works in your favor to wait!

You waited on buying something, and then lo and behold someone could end up giving it to you for free.

You decided other things had to come first, and then that thing on the end of the list ends up not even mattering.

You never felt like pulling the trigger on a project until all of a sudden you get the inspiration that made the whole thing so much better…

Have any of those things happened to you?

Fun things are more likely to happen if you do not beat yourself up about being undecided.

To me procrastinating = being undecided.

Miracles might happen if:

you do not judge yourself for being slow

you stay curious and listen to yourself.

Now without judgment–let me say that there are some situations where it can be helpful to be uncertain and act anyway.

This is a hard thing to talk about because every situation is so individual.

That is why I love being able to support writers and entrepreneurs in my online group program where I have one-on-one support.

There are 7 live zoom Q&As and weekly voxer support built in for 6 months starting in June.

It’s a place where you can get support on whatever is not moving forward, so you can get clear on what to do next. Or when to wait and prioritize something else, instead.

You’ll also get instant access to the video vault where there is an entire 7 part journey about making decisions from the last live class, with exercises you can do one your own.

It is coming!

I’m putting the sign up page together next week to help you decide if you’d like to join in.

You’ll be able to start digging into that content asap to tap into your inner genius and know what is important to you to do now!

But for today, know that no matter what judgment does not help.

Judgment is not your inner mermaid speaking.

Your inner genius loves you and is understanding.

Her advice rings with a totally different vibe, and when you feel her talking, it’s not going to be like a scolding.

Know that just because you have taken some time to do something

Or you don’t know something

does not necessarily mean you are doing anything wrong.

Sometimes things have divine timing.

Sometimes things unfold in ways we did not expect.

Maybe you had a good reason.

Stay open and curious when you don’t know what to say, and what to write!

And stay loving.

I will be talking about uncertainty more in the next blog!

And if you want to take all of this deeper with me, I invite you to stay tuned about the upcoming summer workshop series!

Registration opening soon for the workshops that go even deeper

“7 Layer Writing Vision Activation” course,

Get clear on what to write.

-Write for your business, tweak your website, do copywriting, create content, or get clear on what your book is about.

-Develop clarity so you know what to do next to find the right words to share with people.

-Make important decisions and effectively share your book or business so the right people get drawn to your work

Make progress on all the writing you need to do for your business or book.


-7 live online group coaching meetings:

a 7 Layer Writing Vision Activation journey spanning every two weeks from June-August to deep dive into clarifying your writing vision so you can get it out from your soul, onto the page and into the world.

-Bonus Worksheets & 40+ videos

The online vault for my Homestudy course Psychic Mermaid Creatrix will help you tap into your inner mermaid, so you always know what to do next to write and do business from your inner genius

-Bonus Notion Template Set:

Digital Templates + Video Training to organize your ideas, projects and keep you focused on what you need to do to make significant progress. Everything is customizable!

Bonus Group Voxer Coaching:

Get your questions answered between workshop sessions with free weekly texts and voice note communication with Sofia. Shared in a private group for 6 months. (Wow, don’t know if I will offer this lengthy bonus again!)

Signups are coming soon for

the “7 Layer Writing Vision Activation” online workshops.

You can meet with us live June-August!

Watch out for my next blog about layer 5.

Or get the whole series by email here so you know what to write next