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Layer 3: Write Lime Green Letters

Access inspiration so you can write smoothly for a particular purpose:

Draw IN the people you need to speak to and serve with your business.

You could also serve them with your message, or your personal brand.

This post is #3 in a series on taking your writing vision through 7 layers because this communication (across websites, books, sales pages, posts, etc.) is essential to do what you were born to do on the planet.

Now before I get into “these people” you need to speak to and who they are,

let me just call out that this email may feel very nonintuitive at first.

When you go to write, most people facing a blank page feel all alone.

Sometimes that is what makes it daunting or even terrifying!

It is all on you to fill that page up with words that are great.


Well, I don’t know about that.

Let’s back this out to the big picture.

You are not alone when you write, you are actually talking to someone!

Writing is primarily about communicating ideas from one person to another.

OK, so if you’re alone in your house and write in your journal or on a grocery list–

you might think you are not writing to anyone….

But maybe the person you are communicating with is yourself or even yourself in the future.

So that totally counts as writing to someone.

There is nothing wrong with writing for yourself. I have mountains of writing I have done strictly for myself.

I used to lead writing groups where writing for your own emotional health was the main goal of our writing.

It’s awesome to do this.

BUT what I really feel called to talk about in this series is what you might consider “THE NEXT LEVEL” for writing.

When you share writing with another person.

Because that is where some of the most profound fulfillment can come from!

That’s where you can not only change your life but also change other people’s lives.

That’s where you can grow your business, or produce a book that people like to read.

To achieve that you need to remember your writing is eventually going to be read by another person.

Some people don’t think of this. They feel like they are not ready, but then they don’t ever seem to be ready.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but:

this is not something you can just remember later on whenever you write something “good enough” because that’s the only time you’ll be ready to share.


This awareness is an essential part of the process you must go through to make it “good enough” in the first place.

It doesn’t just happen!!

You don’t just randomly throw a bunch of ingredients together and turn around like, “Wow, hey look I made a rising bread! That just happened.”

You use a recipe.

Eventually you can know the recipe enough not to use it but to start, you need to do a process a certain way to get the result you desire.

Imagine if you did that with a whole book:

“Hey look, guys I just threw random words together and I made a book!”

There’s literally no one on the best seller list who did this.

OK so this is not an optional step to powerful writing–

even if you are writing to someone exactly like YOU,

you still have to remember that your writing is going to be READ by someone.


Your writing will be more powerful if you do this in a conscious way, writing more specifically to the reader you have in mind…

So that they get you.

This means people will like your writing more when you start to formulate your words with them in mind as the reader.

During the writing process, you are going to remind yourself of who you are talking TO.

You will let that awareness inform your decisions about what to say and how to say it.

So it’s not about pulling things out of your journal unedited and sharing them with the world.

You can start in your journal with no one in mind. That can be a first draft maybe! Or even a second draft.

But don’t just go out and share your whole journal thinking it will be a bestselling book because you will be disappointed when people do not get it.

And it’s just because you missed a step:

Take time to wear someone else’s shoes first and think about how they might experience reading your journal before pressing publish.

This is a process and we are always getting better at it.

If you really want to make writing that changes the game for you,

like let’s say growing your business or changing the world,

you can take this layer all the way through the writing process start to finish.

It’s about thinking, “Who am I writing to?”

before you write,

as you write,

as you edit,

and select what to share.


And it doesn’t have to be a crappy experience for you.

This is not me raining on your parade. I’m not trying to be the bad guy saying your work is terrible.

It’s not. I’m helping you achieve a very specific kind of result and it might be better than you really knew even to hope for.

I’m helping you create this really fun experience for someone you are going to love.

And that love is going to come back to you.

Think of a letter–

before you write the letter, you put “Dear XYZ person.”

That reminds you right away that you are writing to that specific reader. Then what follows is a letter that you write to them. Then you mail that to their house.

Hopefully your intended reader finds this letter, addressed to them, in their mailbox, and they are delighted to receive something other than spam or bills.

It is not everyday people get a special letter addressed specifically to them.

Now imagine it is lime green.


How would you feel if you got a lime green letter in the mail?

I’d get giddy like a school girl.

Have you ever felt that?

That feeling you get when you see a special lime green letter in the mail addressed to you,

is the feeling I hope your readers get when they pick up what you have to say.

When they see what you have written and very quickly realize that,

“Hey! This is addressed to me” (even if it is in a subtle way)

Maybe it isn’t literally so obvious as a lime green letter with their name on it, but they start reading and feel recognized by you. They feel gotten.

This is not about you right now, it is about them. That is what it means to write TO them, thinking about them.

Just like how you might like plaid shirts, but you wouldn’t buy a plaid shirt as a birthday gift for someone who hates them.

No, this person loves lime green everything, and that’s what you got them!!

They are going to love that.

As they read, it feels like you are writing to them.

It will give them that lime green kind of feeling of, “Hey! This is exciting. I want to keep tabs on this person. I want more of these letters.”

You just got yourself a fan.

That is the magic that will draw readers to you, clients to you, people to you.



The people who get you,

who need what you have to say,

who were born on this planet to interact with you

–somehow, someway as long as you can show up…

I’m going to keep reminding you of them because this is what you were put on this planet to do.

Write TO your people.

Start trying to do this in your notebooks or on your computer, even if no one sees it yet.

Practice getting into this vibe, when it feels like you are really SPEAKING to them, just like on the phone….

(except, hehe, you aren’t on the phone, you are writing.)

It’s like putting words on a page and psychically transmitting them through time and space to exactly who needs to hear the message!

The vibe will give you loads of inspiration.

Who is your person?

Maybe this is the ideal client for your business,

the person whose life will be better after reading your book…

the person who is going to come see you speak one day…

It depends on you, as you probably have an audience totally unique and special,

different from anyone else’s

and that’s why YOUR VOICE IS NEEDED.



If you don’t know WHOOOO you are talking to, I’ll be writing more about this next time, so keep an eye out!

We will also go deeper into this in the future workshops (below).

When it comes to this topic, the deeper the better.

Registration opening soon for the workshops that go even deeper

“7 Layer Writing Vision Activation” course,

Get clear on what to write.

-Write for your business, tweak your website, do copywriting, create content, or get clear on what your book is about.

-Develop clarity so you know what to do next to find the right words to share with people.

-Make important decisions and effectively share your book or business so the right people get drawn to your work

Make progress on all the writing you need to do for your business or book.


-7 live online group coaching meetings:

a 7 Layer Writing Vision Activation journey spanning every two weeks from June-August to deep dive into clarifying your writing vision so you can get it out from your soul, onto the page and into the world.

-Bonus Worksheets & 40+ videos

The online vault for my Homestudy course Psychic Mermaid Creatrix will help you tap into your inner mermaid, so you always know what to do next to write and do business from your inner genius

-Bonus Notion Template Set:

Digital Templates + Video Training to organize your ideas, projects and keep you focused on what you need to do to make significant progress. Everything is customizable!

Bonus Group Voxer Coaching:

Get your questions answered between workshop sessions with free weekly texts and voice note communication with Sofia. Shared in a private group for 6 months. (Wow, don’t know if I will offer this lengthy bonus again!)

Signups are coming soon for

the “7 Layer Writing Vision Activation” online workshops.

You can meet with us live June-August!

Want to read the entire 7 layer series?

Half of it isn’t publicly available on the blog!

Sign up here to get everything & know what to write for your business so you reach more of the people you are meant to serve.