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[Layer 2] Typos & BS

Right after I emailed my newsletter last week, I realized it had a bunch of typos.

My first thought was, “D’oh.”

But then my emotions totally bounced back to being chill with it.

This is not how I used to react to these sort of situations.

I used to feel really bad about finding typos in my published work as a writer and entrepreneur. I would go down a spiral of how unprofessional that makes me look.

“If people see typos, then they will think I am a bad writer.”

But last week, I let it roll off me. These days I have compassion for myself. And I accept typos are inevitable with my life as it is.

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Now I’m so excited to talk to you about it because TYPOS are the bane of existence for a lot of people who want to write more powerfully.

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This post is part of a series on the layers to take your writing vision through if you want to know what to write as a business owner for your site, your copy, your content, your book, etc so you connect to the people you need to talk to.

Go here to read more about this FREE 7 Layer Writing Vision Activation series

Let me just set the scene so you can picture it.

This will help you understand what typos are really about,

Not the BS.

​ ​

How do they happen?

Why because people are lazy of course.

No—not really. LOL. ​ ​ Take me for example:

I knew exactly what had happened last week to make typos- ​ One time, I was writing and my fiance came past my desk wanting to talk. I said I was busy. ​ Later, he was done remote work, and wanted to get me to watch this silly video.

Even though both times I told him I couldn’t hang out because I was in the middle of writing,

interacting with my fiance still diverted my focus long enough to lose the thread!

I noticed those exact two places in the writing afterwards.

​ ​

Now here’s the thing, I could have done a final proofreading before sending.

But I didn’t.

I didn’t because I was buying into some BS about writing.

There’s BS about a lot of things, BS about typos, but this time the root problem was BS about urgency.

It had been a week since my last email and I didn’t want to be “late” sending it every week.

Now I’m thinking, “Damn, that’s a rule only I am in charge of enforcing.”

Red flag for B.S…..

I wanted to chill with my fiance. I wanted it to be “on time.” I trusted that life itself would survive without me putting any more work into it and I pressed send.

So that’s the story. I’m not sharing this to be like, “I beg you, please excuse my typos.” I do have a point. ​

And it is to point out B.S.

All I would change about last week was to wait for MY right timing to send the email, instead of forcing myself to press send a little early.

B.S. made me do it.

I spent hours on the content so I would have liked it to be polished AF.

Then I could have had the best of all possible worlds.

But lesson learned.

As always:

You don’t always see BS until it becomes clear to you.

But it’s cool.

​ BS sneaking into my work? Hey, this is perfect.

My imperfection is now your opportunity, baby.

Because now it’s a perfect opportunity to talk about TYPOS!

Let’s dig into this meaty topic.

When people think about writing well they usually think of eliminating typos as part of that.

In fact, having a typo or a broken link or something like that can drive people so insane–making them feel scared or ashamed or embarrassed when they realize the typo is public.

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This is BS.

It is actually very harmful to you as a writer.

Remember that in a publishing house, the writer and the editor are two different people. There can even be a third person to proofread the final errors.

Combining all three jobs into one, and calling it writing is insane.

No, it literally drives people crazy.

​ ​

Sometimes they feel a deep need to get it all right but it means that they never, ever publish anything.

They never write a first draft at all.

They edit it so much that it never gets sent.

I’ve heard several people have a drawer of terrible book manuscripts they are hiding away.

​ ​

AND if people with a deep need to have it all right DO publish or share their writing,

sometimes it ends up so stilted and “perfect” from editing that it isn’t actually as great as the original text. ​ ​


OUCH so you see why this is a really big problem?

If you overcome a need to be perfect enough to publish, which not everyone does–

Then it’s still easy to over-edit and lose a key ingredient:

The magic.

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The magic that will draw readers to you, clients to you, people to you.

​ ​


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You know:


​ ​

The people who get you,

who need what you have to say,

who were born on this planet to interact with you

–somehow, someway as long as you can show up…

​ ​

If your writing is not out there with all the magic you COULD be writing into your words, they miss you.

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What would fix all of that?

​ ​

Dun da da da:

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1. Accept typos will happen.

At this point I’ve been blogging since I was 12 years old. I’m published in about 5 books, multiple magazines and perform my own original songs.

I write and press publish on my writing alot, so I can only EXPECT to have typos.

I see it as par for the course. It is going to happen.

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I value both being prolific and highly enthusiastic about sharing. ​ ​More work out there + More sharing: more people see my work.

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I do hire editors sometimes, but for many things it feels unnecessary and constraining.

I just do my best and fix typos afterwards if I need to. ​ And the truth is, despite having the occasional typo or mistake, I get really good feedback about my writing. That’s given me confidence. I bounce back after mistakes.

​ ​

Were my typos so horrible? Nah.

After receiving my typo-filled email, zero people unsubscribed.

And that’s because writing is more than typos–writing is about making sure people get an overall message.

That is what the people remember

That’s what the people YOU are writing to are going to remember.

​ ​

Sure, you want to avoid typos but don’t worry too much–it is inevitable.

Focus on the bigger picture of communicating a larger idea. ​ ​That is the good stuff.

If that is clear enough, usually readers can figure out what you are trying to say and gloss over the bit that didn’t make perfect sense.

COMMUNICATION is what good writing is really about, not eliminating typos.

​ ​

Most people don’t consciously know this is what writing really is about, but when you come across good writing, you FEEL it.

You think about what you read later. You remember. You are interested in more.

If you read a typo, you might even forget it happened because the rest outshines it.

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You want to create more of that kind of writing, I’m sure.

​ ​

So take my advice and use this to get clear on your writing vision for your book or business copy:


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When you are in a state of acceptance about the limitations that human people have–that you have–then you can focus on what is really a priority for you.

That clarity makes for good writing.

​ ​

2. Know your True Priorities (and Accept them)

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Prioritizing is a huge topic I’ll only gloss over now but I will go deeper into it in the 7 Layer Writing Vision Activation workshop series in the summer.

But let me say that in my life, my relationship with my fiance is a priority. If it is 5:45 pm and my fiance is done with work all of a sudden, even if I was happily writing before he came out to my work area, I’ll probably want to stop.

I could put up a sign all day long to say, “Don’t BOTHER me” but I do not regret that I did not that one day.

​ ​

Because I LOVE HIM. I love that he wants to squeeze my shoulder or talk to me.

And I love me, and it makes me feel good to be with him.

I like the extra love right now, like a lot. I just lost my dad 6 months ago. ​ So if I need to just let a few typos go and move on with my life, that’s ok. ​ —-> INSERT YOUR BIG PICTURE SITUATION HERE←—- ​ Now accept it. What matters to you matters to you. The rest? Not so much.

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3. Accept what you are giving up.

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I totally accept that not everyone is going to see things my way about typos.

Some people will judge me for my typos. They may judge me for not getting an editor to go through every email and blog and social media post.

I can accept that. It’s not going to change what I am doing right now.

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I trust that the right people will still dig my words.

I trust that I am learning and growing and improving everything, as well, and I’m enough.

It’s enough. We are all enough. It’s okay.

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This is my perspective–

I’m not saying I don’t care about typos.

I have for years agonized about typos and I still look for them. I fix everything I notice.

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BUT I’m no slave to them.

They don’t own me.

They don’t pay my bills. They don’t buy me birthday presents.

You feel me? Typos just exist, the rest is what my mind makes up about them.

(Judging yourself for something made up is classic BS) ​​ And I’m also cool with typos because I want to connect to people who are cool with me not being a slave, who like what I am saying overall even if a few typos show up. That is a deeper and less fragile connection. ​ And deep connection is a big priority for me.

I’m going to hazard a guess, that if you are still with me–eliminating typos are not a true priority for you, either.

If you have fuzziness, don’t worry, I’ll keep talking more about priorities in my next post.

Sign up here to get the whole 7 Layer Writing Vision Activation series in order, by email, with some other special things.

​Until then this is your reminder: ​​ release shame or judgment so you can discern what is important.

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Whether it is judgement towards yourself for being imperfect grammatically… ​ other people in your field for doing things differently… ​ people doing what you want to be doing… ​ ​

Just breath. Remember the big picture. Take a step back.

​ It’s time to accept and follow these three steps!! ​ Have a great day.

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Registration opening soon for the workshops that go even deeper

“7 Layer Writing Vision Activation” course,

Get clear on what to write.

Write about your work on your website, do copywriting, create FUN business content, or get clear on what your book is about Develop clarity of your ideas so you know what to do next to find the right words to share with people.

Make the important decisions that will shape how you will effectively share your book or business with the world to get the right people reading.

Make progress on all the writing you need to do for your business or nonfiction book.


-7 live online group coaching meetings:

a 7 Layer Writing Vision Activation journey spanning every two weeks from June-August to deep dive into clarifying your writing vision so you can get it out from your soul, onto the page and into the world.

-Bonus Worksheets & 40+ videos

The online vault for my Homestudy course Psychic Mermaid Creatrix will help you tap into your inner mermaid, so you always know what to do next to write and do business from your inner genius

-Bonus Notion Template Set:

​ Digital Templates + Video Training to organize your ideas, projects and keep you focused on what you need to do to make significant progress. Everything is customizable!

Bonus Group Voxer Coaching:

Get your questions answered between workshop sessions with free weekly texts and voice note communication with Sofia. Shared in a private group for 6 months. (Wow, don’t know if I will offer this lengthy bonus again!)

Signups are coming soon for

the “7 Layer Writing Vision Activation” online workshops. ​ If you want to get clear on what to write so you make faster progress in a feel-good flow, watch out for the sign ups coming soon!

Until next time be accepting. (And hey, why not be kind as well)
