I’m back from Japan! I’m still getting used to the time change and being in this strange place. It’s strange, to be back, because the America I know isn’t really “back.” I can’t give my family hugs… Things aren’t quite as I’ve left it.
My memoir, Freedom Year: How Trying to be a Dominatrix (and Failing) Changed my Life is almost to the end. I plan to release it on August 8th, my 33rd birthday. You’ll get an email when it is available for you to read!
Dark Legacies, book one of the Blood Witch Series, will be the next book out. I imagine it will be released by the end of the year as well–so then I’ll have two books out this year. Getting this urban fantasy series started is so exciting it makes my heart fill with butterflies, and, as I wrote last month, I do believe butterflies are a very good sign.
I’m still writing up the details of the program I’ve tentatively been calling, “Make Your Mark.” If you ever feel heart-hurt looking at what is going on in the world and feel like you can do nothing to help, you might be interested in the class. It will help you to always know what to next to do something that matters with your unique gifts and talents, including your creativity. You don’t have to try to change the world the way other people are doing it, there is a way for you to make a difference just being yourself as a writer, healer, creator, or other unique thing. Keep an eye out as I roll out more about the program.
Hope you are doing well. Feel free to contact me and let me know what you are up to these days! What’s on your mind? I love to get to know my readers.
You can see more of my posts on facebook and instagram. Videos are also available on Youtube. Sign up for monthly updates here and get all the news first!
Thanks for being with me on the journey!