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It’s here! Digital Organization Membership

It is with much excitement I inform you that it’s here!

The Digital Organization Membership is open!

It is not too late to join the 3 month Summer 2024 Cohort! Click here to read more

Dear writer, journaler, or entrepreneur: Are you having trouble finding things? notes ideas documents Do you write a lot? Have a lot of journals or ideas to organize?

Join us!

Click here if you are having trouble finding things or have a lot of ideas, documents, or journals to organize

Want to know more about my organization philosophy?

If you missed my previous series on how I approach digital organization for my writing, my business and my healing journey, check out these posts.

1. The Wrong Question to Ask about Forgetting Good Ideas

If you keep forgetting about your best ideas, read this!

(Or watch the video version of the same post.)

2. My Favorite Morning and Writing Routines

This is about an inspiring ritual I started to use to heal from burnout. It really inspires my writing.

3. 10x Your Healing, Writing this Way

This is about the encyclopedia of ME I created to 10x my healing journey!

​(You can also watch this video version of the same post!)

4. The Paradox of Information + Writing

This post is about the fact that the more information you save, the harder it is to find anything. Here’s my journey with this and how I’ve overcome it.

5. How Digital Organization Relates to Putting Yourself First

Let’s discuss how digital organization for your notes and ideas is essential self care. Listen or watch the podcast with Andrea Hylen.

Want some hand holding as you get your writing, notes or journals organized?

Read more about the Digital Organization Membership:

It is not too late to join the 3 month Summer 2024 Cohort! Click here to read more