Hope your weekend went well. Anything fun?
I went to a waterpark with friends and it was really refreshing.
I’m emailing because I got a sudden idea and I just have to tell you about it ASAP.
But let me back up a bit.
As you may know, I have been working to feel less unmotivated and more fired up.
On June 5th, I read chapter 1 of Brendon Burchard’s Motivation Manifesto.
Burchard says motivation requires:
A. Ambition (a choice to do more) and
B. Expectancy (belief that what you want is possible).
That second one, expectancy really jumped out at me,
because that is something I have been struggling with.
Don’t get me started.
There are a million pieces of my life,
pieces of evidence, that I can point to that show that:
-things don’t work out,
-dreams don’t come true and
-a lot of bad things can and DO happen.
And while I’m a big believer in being prepared for the worst,
being REAL about problems rather than pretending they don’t exist…
I know it doesn’t help me to be pessimistic.
And Burchard was a big shout in my ear to CHOOSE to change my focus.
To work through what I need to work through, and move towards optimism.
Not blanket positivity, but
optimism that things can
(and will)
get better, and
it’s possible to get what I want so it’s worth trying for change.
So it’s been two months, and I have been working on being optimistic.
What’s changed?
A few days ago, I started to feel a shift,
to feel the COURAGE to look towards the future +
see the future as a bright place where things can get better, and
release the fear that I’m caught in a cycle of repeating a lackluster past.
It takes choice and intention and work but…it’s getting easier.
This morning I was reading an email from my vitamin company, Caring Sunshine, and
it had a whole section on optimism:
“A number of studies have shown that optimists enjoy higher levels of wellbeing, better sleep, lower stress and even better cardiovascular health and immune function. In fact, a recent study has shown that being an optimist is linked to longer life.”
So in addition to being more motivated to deal with problems or go for my desires…
And make me feel happier…
Optimism will literally extend my life.
So what about you?
Could you be more optimistic?
Do you want to feel more optimistic?
If you say yes to both of those questions,
I’m coming up with a cool free thing
starting Sunday August 4th…
More info is coming.
I’ll be sending you some emails about it so keep an eye out.
Sign up for my weekly Funletters
to get some free emails to inspire optimism.
Just look out for emails from me this week.
Thanks for reading!