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If you want to scale…

Recently, I was talking to my friend and colleague, Sarah Michael, and she dropped some nuggets of gold about the pressure people are under to “scale” their business.

I’ve always found that Sarah has returned my investment in a way that no other business coach has so directly.

Meaning that, although I’ve learned many great things from a many mentors and coaches, she helped me put things together so that I could literally see actual dollars come into my business. For real.

So although, like everyone, I have my own spin on how to do things, I do pay attention to her point of view.

So back to scaling…

If you are already making at least $3-8K per month, then “scaling your business” is probably a phrase you have heard.

(If you aren’t there yet–don’t worry, you are in the same boat as most of my clients! Keep absorbing my free blogs, but maybe this will give you ideas for down the road.)

You may have had people teach that in order to (eventually) do less to make money, the only way is to scale with another marketing funnel, Fb ad campaign, appointment setting or webinar so you can get more leads and sales.

The problem with this is that scaling takes resources: time, a team, money and an audience in order to actually get things to a profitable stage and really work the way they are promising it will.

You’ve might even have tried a number of different tactics (funnels, ads, content creation) – but are burned out from doing “all the things”.

If what you really desire is a SIMPLE way to easefully enroll more high-value, highly qualified leads, Sarah is leading her virtual event Feminine Sales Power again in May.

Feminine Sales Power is a high-level, hands-on, 3 day immersive virtual event for coaches and consultants already making at least $3-8K per month, who want to double or triple their income.

You’ll move from “hustle” and “doing too much” in order to get plenty of leads – to easily and consistently sell your high ticket offers by leveraging your feminine side.

Check it out here.

She will walk you through creating what she calls “Masculine Structures that Support Feminine Flow,” that allow your feminine side and your intuition to have a seat at the table when you’re selling.

Here’s just a smattering of what you’ll learn:

Understand how operating too much in your masculine side is actually impeding your sales – and get in touch with your feminine side in a way that feels powerful (but not pushy)

How to gracefully recover when you’re thrown off-balance in a sales conversation

Design a customized sales call “flow” (framework) that feels good to you – and is 100% respectful to your ideal buyer

Raise your rates the right way so you hear “yes” on your high ticket offers way more often

Set up your entire business with a simple strategy that magnetizes clients (so you get paid to be you)

It’s the best of both worlds: You’re not driving or pushing so much because your feminine intuition guides your selling, with masculine structures supporting you.

With this method, her clients routinely double or triple their monthly income – all while working much less. (Her most successful client went from $3000 months to consistent $13,000 months in just 3 months.)

If you firmly believe in the art of conversations (both sales and connection) and you do the work by getting out there and talking to people with Sarah in your back pocket, you could easily be making $10k each month or more.

She’s opening up a limited number of spaces for this 3-day powerhouse program early for her community …

At the investment level of just $97 for us Early Birds.

(If you make even one high-ticket sale from what you learn, you’ll 10x this investment.) 

Sound like something that could massively increase your sales?

Grab your seat here.

Even if you’ve been doing sales and business for a while, you’ll discover ways you are making sales much harder than it needs to be.

I’ll see you there!

One seasoned coach said this about Feminine Sales Power:

“I’ve been doing sales and business for a while and yet, I got so many “ahas” about ways where I was making sales much harder than it needed to be – there’s a way to do it so much more easily, and naturally to who I really am. “Feminine Sales Power was awesome, absolutely incredible.”

Martha Wilson

Jump into it here.