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I. love. this. (about writing)

Phew, I’m hot today–I just got done hanging up four paintings in my new apartment. The past month has been wild, so although I moved mid-April, I still have decorating and unpacking to do.

I could go into detail about what all happened, but I’ll just highlight that last week I successfully filled all 8 spots in the Summer Writing Group!

Woooooo *mermaid flips*

I’m looking forward to a summer of writing…

Why? I’ll tell you.

Today I’m going to wax poetic about 3 reasons why I LOVE writing

1. Writing rewards you for being different.

Growing up I learned that being different was ‘bad’ because it singled me out to be criticized.

But with time, I realized having a different voice as a writer can be a very good thing. I love reading about people’s personal lives or their individual quirks.

Capturing that special voice when I write with my clients is something I work hard to do. When I teach people to write, I also respect that people have differences in HOW their writing process may work.

For example: some people want to write everything in a weekend, and some people want to work slowly over time (a SLOW BURN I call it).

2. Writing can make a big difference in the world.

I have been astounded in my lifetime how powerful writing can be.

I’ve been told my stories have had the power to inspire and comfort others. I’ve shared knowledge and perspectives that helped people. I’ve written things on my website which have led to a client getting results and living a better life.

Heck! In the last year I’ve even been using writing to fundraise $1000 for a nonprofit in Africa–and I don’t really know much about fundraising!

I just know that writing is powerful.

3. When I help other people to write, we all make an even bigger difference.

Your story has the power to change someone else’s life.

Your experiences and knowledge can get someone out of a jam.

Your website can give you clients that you will help get life-changing results.

You matter and so do the things you write even if you end up using them in audio or video form! It’s all good stuff.

So thanks for being here as someone I can write to.

Thanks for reading these blogposts. Thanks for signing up for my email newsletter. Thanks for sharing my posts and replying to them on facebook or instagram. Thanks for hanging out in my facebook group.

Thanks for contacting me directly to ask about the Summer Writing Group or working together 1:1 to write for your book or business.

All of is it great and valuable. I’m glad to have you here in my community, and you inspire me to keep going forward on with my writing.


I know what it’s like to be unique and kind of different. I know we’re all different and we might have a little bit of a different process to write. It doesn’t all have to look the same of happen the same way for everyone.

And I know you really want to make a difference–and I am sure you will, in your own individual way.

You’re here on this planet to do something and I want to see what it is.

So contact me or leave a comment and let me know if there is something you are passionate about today!


P.S. The Summer Writing Group is full but keep an eye out because I may be announcing something else soon..click here to join the waitlist for the next Writing Group