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I decided

Update: after my post yesterday the place I have come to is that feel most comfortable staying put in Japan. My dad had the same gut feeling. Things are so crazy right now but Japan is calmer than the USA. Of course things change rapidly these days and I give myself permission to change my mind, too. The length of my stay as dependent on external events is a question mark. For now though, I will be here hunkering down with this guy Andrew and we will see what happens.

Last night he let me ride his bike as we were trekking home because my ankle hurt. He was running to keep up with me as I sang the theme song from Rocky. I almost peed my pants I was laughing so hard. My eyes were watering because of laughing, too. He took the handle bars to guide me around and then he was joking I was gonna hit someone 😂 and then I was paranoid and I just laughed more. Typical us. Xoxo

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