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I Almost Cried. In a Good Way.

How is your week going?

I’m doing ok.

It’s finally sunny after a month of rain, which is a nice change.

Today I have some words to share about

-a show that brought me to tears,

-a class I teach today &

-an interview on ungoaling.

Oh my goodness, upon writing this I have just finished watching the show Geek Girl on Netflix.

I recommend it,

the story of a neurodivergent girl going through bullying who takes an unexpected job as a model in order to change feeling disliked.

It brought me to the edge of tears a few times and made me feel really emotional. I relate to the main character’s struggles in little ways, and it rang a chord for me.

The main character is not labeled with a diagnosis, but she feels like she is different, like she can’t keep up with her peers or doesn’t belong.

At times, the movie had me internally shouting and rooting for the main character:

“When bullies bring you down, you get back up!”

I was hoping for a fire to light inside of her to keep her going, even when people were just mean.

It relates to some thing I work on daily, getting fired up.

Each morning I crack open my little notebook

with the intention of lighting my own fire, courage, inspiration, motivation and energy to do hard things in the my life.

And also I really like looking at fun fashion, hair and makeup things. So that was an extra win for Geek Girl.

Have you seen Geek Girl?

What are your thoughts?

I hoped you like it as much as me!

If you didn’t, maybe don’t tell me lol.

Today we have another class for the Digital Organization Membership.

(It’s not too late to join us!)

Do your ideas ever fall in the cracks?

Mine used to all the time.

I have now have a safety net to capture the hundreds of ideas I have.

It’s part of my digital organization system.

They don’t disappear and remain at my fingertips whenever I need to write articles, emails, posts, or books.

I used this system to publish 25+ articles last year, in addition to my weekly FunLetters.

I will share my system for capturing ideas and then we will do some cowork time working on our own projects.

Ready to find your ideas more easily? And make better use of them?

Join us The Digital Organization Club and get all the classes + replays

Last week I had the pleasure of recording this interview with Ginny Robertson, from On Purpose Woman magazine.

(This took a few re-schedulings; our original date was the 10th…but it was worth the wait!)

The topic was UNGOALING

As you may know, the past few years I have been reevaluating everything.

Before my father died, my work was my main focus.

Now my priorities have changed.

Although I still have passions, desires, and responsibilities I spend time on, I no longer see work as more important than my personal life or my health.

I’ve UNGOALED in a sense, or become more loosely attached to my goals.

​I talk about this in the interview​

If you don’t want to watch or listen right now,

and prefer to read:

you can read the article that inspired our interview.

This interview is a follow up to my written article,

​“Ungoaling: Not Hanging on Too Hard to Your Goals” in the May/ June issue of On Purpose Woman Magazine​

(It’s free to read online at the link above)

Have a great week.

Thanks for reading!

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