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How to Magically Trust Yourself Like Harry Potter

“The Declaration of You, published by North Light Craft Books and available now, gives readers all the permission they’ve craved to step passionately into their lives, discover how they and their gifts are unique and uncover what they are meant to do! This post is part of The Declaration of You’s BlogLovin’ Tour, which I’m thrilled to participate in alongside over 200 other creative bloggers. Learn more — and join us! — by clicking here.”

Many of Harry Potter’s lessons strike a chord for Muggles, too. A spiritual teacher of mine named Penache Desai told Oprah he loved JK Rowling’s story, because “we all feel like we have a scar on our foreheads.”

Trust for instance isn’t something that Harry knew much about. His forehead’s lightening bolt scar marked him as different from the rest and his foster parents never accepted or loved him.

Little did they know that he would be welcomed by the Wizarding community–but still Harry never quite fit in. His parents after all had been killed by a maniac that no one dared call by his name. And in the third book, Sirius Black, his alleged henchman, had escaped prision. Rumors said he intended to finish Harry off.

Personally, I never quite fit in either so I can relate. What started it hmm the Italian mom, her death at three, a single dad widower, or the rumors about me being a witch at ten….well by middle school I felt safer in books than in reality, and so, of course, Hermione enthralls me, as well.

me Hermioning


In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (my favorite) Hermione is entrusted with the most powerful object in the fictional Universe:

A timeturner.

Hermione is so into school that she wants to take three times the number of electives as other students. So McGonagal, I suppose, believed it in the best interest of said Universe to give this know-it-all witch a magical pocket watch that will make her travel through time. She could hop earlier into the day (twice!) to bask in more radiant learning.

This is my dream come true. Think of all the books to be read and the naps to be taken. But yet, is there not some world leader that might put this to better use, or EMT?

Apparently this is a good idea to hold the timeturner on a cord around her neck even though it could destroy continuity for the entire series.

The biggest confusion caused by this tool occurs to Harry as he battles a most terrifying fear– the Dementors.

These ghastly flying beings suck the soul out of their victims and leave them vegetables. There presence alone incites terror and bodily weakness.

For months Harry attempts to learn the Patronus spell, but is never able to do the job.

The dementor is a wonderful metaphor for fears and doubts that we all face. Harry needed unerring confidence to protect himself. That, and the happiest, most wonderful memories of good times that he could think of. (Not easy for someone with a crap childhood.)

In book 3 he is confronted with the dark creatures and fails to save, himself or Sirius Black, the escaped convict that Harry comes to trust. Harry’s heart trusts him as a godfather not a criminal like others slander him.

But someone saves the both of them, someone Harry can’t see clearly. It must be his dad, he swears later “Looked just like him,” he tells Hermione. 

As voice of reason she gently probes, “but Harry, your father is dead.”

“It was him,” Harry insists.

When we, Muggles, are confronted with the possibility of our greatness, so often we cannot fathom the idea that maybe this is for real, that we can do it, that we have the power to reach great heights than ever before.

I know I’ve doubted. I’ve spent a lot of time as an outsider or bookworm, but now I’m proud to have a unique perspective. That’s how I get away with getting super deep about Harry Potter. I’m eccentric and that works for me, but you can believe I psyched myself out a lot about the “w” word (witch….)

With work on myself, a bit of magic, clearing the past, clarifying the new, and commiting again and again it is done. 

Harry eventually by way of the time turner looks at himself across a lake as the dementors slowly drain him of life. To the end he insists to Hermione that his dad is coming, but finally he steps to the edge and waves his wand. “Patronus!” and he finds for sure that all this time, it was Harry that saved the day.

Later when asked how he mastered this very advanced spell, he says, “Well, I’d already done it once.”

Hermione always learns lessons from books….

Magic Lessons~~~ To trust:

1. Be confident.

2. Remember the good times.
3. Use your heart.
4. Visualize yourself in the future and pretend it’s really you.
5.  Dare to step into action like a dementor is about to suck your soul.

Hope you enjoyed this magical discussion of Harry Potter. It’s my job to spread the magic!

I realize this post is not as personal as Success: Ditching Politics to Become a Visionary, posted for TDOF earlier this month. But I thought I would mix it up.

The truth is as a writer, I’m constantly up against dementors– will people read this? will I be too out there? will they get me? is it worth it to blog at all?

Being an entrepreneur and a writer AND a nerd for God*ddesses is the definition of living on the edge. 

But I have another trick for handling fear which is staring it in the face. Two days ago I followed up a nasty dream with a round of meditation and I looked into what they meant to me. 

What I discovered made me smile–because when you uncover the true face of a Dementor, it’s a lot less scary than you might think. Most people fear pretty basic and understandable things: death, being alone, and for me I fear not leaving a legacy. 

Now that I can name that, I can say, haha, Sofia you’re barely 26 and loneliness is the human condition, it’s not like you don’t feel that more by being afraid. 

I invite you to take a look at your biggest fear. What is it? What is it really? What’s your magic wand for inner Dementors? 

Have a magical day!



Need help clearing Dementors?

As part of the Breakthrough Day special offer save $500 on a Align Your Compass Day by acting before August 8th. Apply for a free 20 minute Vision session to divine your future or see the sales page.

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