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How do you do inner child work?

Image may contain: text that says 'How to validate your inner child @miss.mentalo Visualize yourself holding your inner child Let your inner child know that their feelings are valid and you are listening Say things you wish your parents had told you Give your inner child the chance to feel anything withoutjudgement Tell him/her what happened wasn't their fault Ask your inner child there are any feelings they are willing to share Tell your inner child you are here for him/her and you won't leave Visualize safe space for your inner child'

How do you do inner child work? There are so many ways.

Here are some ideas for working on your own.

As I mentioned in a recent video yesterday, inner child work is one of the tools I recommend to help you relax and rest without guilt.

But did you know it will also help you to uplevel and achieve your goals to write or create for your book or business?

Seriously inner child work is the gift that keeps on giving.

Check these methods out in the image above.

Sometimes it can be hard to get really deep in your healing process by yourself and figure out what is blocking you from creating and writing in your book or business.

That’s why I offer my services!

If you want to make faster progress, I am happy to help you one of two ways.

1. I offer single time one on one sessions!

Prices for new clients to do a one time sessions are increasing January 22nd from $120 to $160.

(Old clients this rate will not apply to you if we have an ongoing arrangement. If we haven’t worked together in over six months, let’s talk!)

Contact me now to make faster progress at my lower rate

2. Get a session included in the 5 Week Jumpstart Package!

Ready to make faster progress writing on your book or business?

The 5 Week Jumpstart Program is open to help guide you by the hand if you are sensitive and want to make faster progress writing or creating so you connect to the people who really GET you.

It includes
-a private 60-90 minute session to help you get clear on the big picture, outline writing, and put systems in place to help you succeed.
-check-ins every 2 days so you always know what to do next and don’t waste time.

2 spots available at 40%

If you sign on by February 15, get up to 3 hours of writing review so you receive guidance and editing specific to what you are working on during your check-ins.

Ready for a breakthrough? Tired of waiting or being stuck?

Contact me about my 5 Week Jumpstart Program to help you make faster progress writing or creating for your book or business.

Image from @miss_mental0