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Free 7 Day Heartfelt Writing Challenge

πŸ’œ Create a daily writing habit
πŸ’œ Unlock inspiration to write for your book or business
πŸ’œ Know what to do next because you can hear yourself clearly

– Open up inspiration for your book or business.

Whatever you want to write, I can tell you one thing:

You will make more progress by making writing a daily habit.

Write more often so you can get clear on your message and serve the people you are here to serve.

Join us in this safe space where you can begin to build your daily writing habit with prompts that are sure to inspire you.

We start March 28th!

You will make more progress by making writing a daily habit.


Sign up here:

​Sign up for the waitlist for the writing challenge!

Words from Past Participants:

“this writing challenge is very thought provoking and definitely makes you look inside rather then relying on the outside to dictate how you live your life its a great way to really stop and look after number one so you are able to look after the masses”

“I’m loving these questions! I’ve been findinging [sic] things I had forgotten about myself and new things I didn’t even realize were there. I’m just falling deeper in love with writing.”

“I’m writing! I love the prompts and the challenge was extra special. Your intuition and ability to tune into the group is amazing. The prompts are always these gentle nudges towards where I’m moving and help give me guidance and clarity.

Lots of growth and changes – my goals are to move through all these big changes gracefully. Writing is definitely a tool that helps make that happen!!”