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Forgiving Mistakes that Cost You Money $$

Have you ever made a mistake that cost you money?

These days so many people are losing some big dollars due to

  • COVID,
  • the way COVID has changed the world,
  • or the way COVID scrambles your brain with all this uncertainty.

I’ve been holding on to this special note for a little bit now, because it can be hard to talk about, but I’m excited to share with you what I have learned.

Now first off, let me say that I know that not everyone has lost money due to COVID, and that is doesn’t HAVE to be this way.

(I actually have some friends who have grown their businesses in a big way this last year.)

But it would certainly describe me!!!

I’m going to be totally honest and say I’ve lost money in the past year!

And some of it I can’t help but blame myself for.

I have made a few mistakes.

Like I recently bought two sets of tickets from Japan to the USA–and lost $500 in cancellation fees.


Self blame is soooooo useful, right {{ subscriber.first_name }}?

Yeah no.When I am in a self blame space, it is not so good. It:

  • affects my confidence,
  • blocks me up from feeling worthy of good things happening,
  • and makes it hard for me to be excited about doing things that could solve problems.

So what do I do with that?

Luckily, I have a process to help me forgive myself

and now I want to teach it to you!

Self Forgiveness TAPPING on Mistakes that Cost you Money

Because forgiving yourself can be the hardest thing in the world!

Join me to forgive yourself for mistakes you have made: from typos to expenses or other mistakes.

Watch the video below or Click here to see it and let go of whatever mistakes you’ve made.

I guide you through a whole healing process in about 10 minutes.

What I have really learned is that all these situations are an opportunity to be more self-compassionate.

The triggers and pains we experience now can be our opportunity for deeper healing and self love.

You deserve love no matter what and it has nothing to do with your ability to make money, save money, or do anything right.

Give yourself an opportunity to learn without feeling crummy!

Remember: When we release the past we open to RECEIVE. And when you have that ability to receive love and other things, you gain something new: JOY CURRENCY.

It’s something I made up that feels REAL good. I’ll talk about it more in the future.

For now, just try this: Get into a better space about your mistakes, love on yourself, and see what happens.

Try this process I guide you through in the video.

Let’s just try to keep an open mind before the self flagellation starts 

If you need help, shoot me a line.

Love you!
