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Forgiving an expensive mistake you’ve made

Have you ever made a mistake that cost you money?

Being an entrepreneur I have spent some serious coin on

  • Business groups and certifications that didn’t pay for themselves,
  • Professional advice that did not fit me as an individual
  • Courses or templates I never used

It can be hard to talk about, but I’m excited to share with you what I have learned.

Now first off, let me say that I know that this is something very common. It doesn’t have to be this way for everyone…but a LOT of people I know have spent a heckoff a lot of money on their business.

It would certainly describe me!!!

Got to spend money to make money right?

In one sense yes, but I think if I had gone back with what I know now, I might have made a different set of decisions.

Everything I invested in had it’s benefits but were all of them 100% worth the money I ended up spending? …with interest?!

Not always.

Sometimes a financial investment is just what you need to get to the next level and then you will make more money to pay it back,

but in my case I can clearly see that some investments I made that were a lot better for my business than others.

I think about some of those investments beyond a few thousand dollars where I was in an impersonal group program and I’m like “what now?”

Now some of those experiences gave me precious memories and shifts I’ll have for a life time…while others I probably will not ever think about again.

Crazy huh?

I’m going to be totally honest and say I’ve spent way too much money on my business over the years!

And some of it I can’t help but feel regret about.

I have made a few mistakes.

And since I made those decisions to invest that money, really I am the only person I can blame.


Self blame is soooooo useful, right?

Yeah no. It is one thing to learn from the past but self blame is no bueno.

When I am in a self blame space:

  • My confidence decreases,
  • I feel unworthy of good things happening,
  • I don’t feel motivated to improve my situation.

All of that in the past even led me to spend gobs more money to get out of a hole, which is not a sustainable practice.

The real answer?

Now I know: slow down, go inside and do some inner work—

then I will create a shift in how I feel and think so I can tap into my inner genius to make the decisions that will put my business and life back on track.

Doing work on my relationship with money is one of the things that has been KEY to getting my business off of the ground.

One of my good investments was learning different ways to do this! And now I want to teach it to you..for free!

Because forgiving yourself can be the hardest thing in the world!

It will help you move forward so you can do what you are here on the planet to do.

Watch the video below or Click here to see it and let go of whatever mistakes you’ve made with money.

I made this video when I was living in Japan, moving back to the USA, and accidentally lost $500 in flight cancellation fees from a booking mistake.

I guide you through a whole healing process in about 10 minutes.

Ready to forgive your mistakes with money? Watch the video!

If you need help, shoot me a line right here.

In addition to helping my entrepreneurs and friends on a mission to write so they can market and reach the people they are here to serve, I also can help you tap into your inner genius to know what to do next for your business.


The Psychic Mermaid mastermind I mentioned has a new name. It has been reborn as the 7 Layer Writing Vision Activation live group. The next round starts in June 2022.

The free PDF guide I mention to help you forgive yourself even more deeply is here.

What I have really learned is that all these situations are an opportunity to be more compassionate with yourself.

The triggers and pains we experience now can be our opportunity for deeper healing and self love.

You deserve love no matter what and it has nothing to do with your ability to make money, save money, or do anything right.

Give yourself an opportunity to learn without judgement.

Remember: When you release the past you will be more open to RECEIVE.

And when you have that ability to receive love and other things, you gain something bigger than money:


That is a phrase I made up that feels REAL good.

For now, just try this:

Get into a better space about your mistakes, love on yourself, and see what happens.

Let’s just try to keep an open mind before the self flagellation starts 

Love you!
