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Find Hope and Strength to be Yourself

You don’t need the things that people suggest that you need to feel good.

What may surprise you is that your soul never needs a huge transformation in your life to occur to feel good–like finally making a million dollars or becoming a best seller or getting a new boyfriend, etc.

But in our society, people will probably get more excited if you talk about those external dreams, than if you say, “I’m just looking to connect more to myself right now.”

Your soul is the part of you that can allow you to become happy any time–to have the strength many great leaders have tapped into, like Nelson Mandala, who moved many people across the world even with personal struggles. He was able to keep his hope and strength up through 27 years in jail, which he would later call “a long vacation.” He is remembered for his help to end apartheid, the racist policies in South Africa. He could have given up in jail. Instead, he found a way to feel hope.

Wouldn’t you rather feel good now and THEN pursue your goals or improve your life? If you wait until your dreams happen to feel good, then you might be waiting a very long time. You might even get your goal, only to feel like now you need something else. When you start with happiness, you actually get more done.

I had to swallow this pill recently. I realized just how impossible it would be to achieve all the goals I set for myself. I had thought I’d have all this time in Japan to work on projects of my own, but it turned out I was limited in both time and energy. And then I realized that my end dreams of fame and fortune may not EVER happen.

Maybe to you this is small, but to me this was like an identity crisis around everything I have worked towards for eight or nine years. Am I enough? Aren’t I just boring without anything to show? Who am I if I don’t achieve all this? I was sad, I was stressed, I was feeling low self worth and shame. I lost the taste of joy and happiness for things for a week or so, it all seemed a little more grey and blah. I didn’t tell ANYONE about this at the time, because my deep dreams now seemed naive and maybe even stupid. Can I still be okay with myself, just as I am?

Yes. I found a way to see how cool I am right now even if I get nothing done in Japan. I accepted my biggest fear. And I realized how beneficial accepting myself right where I am is because it brings me closer to my soul, as well as the projects that really matter.

From there, I realized publishing my book Freedom Year would primarily be an act of self love–not just a step in my career. It’s an act of self love because it is validating to my voice, my experiences and what I want to say, no matter what anyone else thinks.

Then I started making massive progress. Since then I quickly finished a deep round of edits of the book and am now fine tuning it as I do an audio version. ^^ It juices me, rather than drains me. For context, I began this round of edits at least two years ago, with long stops and starts.

I also started helping more clients and growing my business which I was too overwhelmed to do before. All my following MY own healing process and then just doing things every day which feel good– easy!

I popped out of feeling like garbage, i.e. found a way to feel better with zero changes to my life, and then the rest started moving forward naturally.

Through my unique Sofia trail blazing, I’m not just getting things done creatively. I’ve created new relationships, boundaries, and ways to go forward that feel so AMAZING, fulfilling a lot of deep desires that are helping to balance out anything negative in my life. Sexy desires. Desires to be held and loved. Desires to just feel at peace rather than harassed at my temporary Japanese job. Financial freedom to travel and buy those little things that make my life just that much better, even if this temporary job pays beans! I found a way.

I know someone else in my shoes may have packed up her life and headed home by now, or worse, tried to cope with risky or self-destructive things.

I’m in Japan, a country with high levels of stress, alcoholism, cigarette addiction, depression, and suicide. I’m a highly empathic, spongy person at times! So I could be in a hot mess of emotion right now.

There are still difficult emotions at times, but I’m not stuck or self destructive. Instead, there has been massive growth happening. And I’m feeling fucking good.

What’s the secret? Here’s the basic Sofia pathway:

I’m growing instead of dying because I follow my intuition. I listen to my feelings and desires.

And I don’t make them wrong. I let go of the bullshit programming that this environment and my childhood taught me. That programming usually says what I feel is wrong, but I take it with a grain of salt. Instead I see this: these feelings inside of me are the impulse to be alive.

(Keep an eye out because I’ll soon be talking more about overcoming these negative beliefs next time and being really, really honest.)

I feel into what will help me with my needs and feelings, releasing unhelpful ways to think about all of it. It’s not just about “fixing” them so they go away, it’s about what will serve my soul–which might mean sitting with the feelings for a while, for example. Overall it just has a different tone than anything I could do if I didn’t honor my soul, first. I give myself permission to take the time that I need for this process.

That all helps me to hear my higher self, connect to better feeling energy and emotions, and know exactly what to do next.

Then I take action and those steps end up making me feel even better!

Like dropping the hanky to let someone know I’d be interested in a date (and it turns out super great because I picked a really nice guy). Or having a productive discussion with a coworker about boundaries I need (yay feeling less harassed! I’m glad I approached it the way I did). Or writing, making music, and selling stuff in my heart-felt business! (Thank goodness because it heals me, too! And I’m always moved by helping people. Plus money helps.)

These steps that I take–the ones that change everything–are coming from a different place. I’m not trying to fill a gap, I’m primarily motivated with honoring myself and my soul. If something I try doesn’t work out–it’s okay. I already achieved my goal just by taking the first action. It’s much less scary, and much more sacred this way. That’s why I’m having consistent movement forward in my life, because I’m inner-driven, not discouraged by things happening outside of me.

Taking the time to go through this transformation helps! My method generates results, by focusing on SOUL first.

Do You Want to:

–Be remembered for who you really are, not who you feel you are “supposed” to be, because you feel stronger and more grounded, releasing fear and tension.

–Let go of what other people think, and old energetic contracts you’ve had with people that make or have made you scared, confused, angry, or small.

–Love yourself, the real you, more deeply, and clear out the negative messages from the past that have made you doubt yourself.

–Be a better, more real, and (dare I say?) BADASS version of yourself.

In doing all this on the inside, you’ll be set up to:

–End the stop-start cycle so you can make progress on the goals that really matter like writing or creating more consistently.

–Get your work out there in the world in a bigger way than ever.

–Help people more deeply, more often, using your gifts.

–Let yourself shine and feel good more often.

I’m now opening special spots for transformational “Free to Be You” sessions

In these healing sessions I am offering through February 19th, we will tap into the wisdom of your soul, and reconnect you to your power and strength. You will be able to address the energy, situations, people, messages, problems, or anything else making you feel bad or stuck.

I do these sessions connected to the Akashic Records. This is a spiritual technique to connect to a matrix of energy and information that runs through the universe. The Akashic Records is a fast track to healing and connecting you to your higher self.

Your higher self is the part of you that can find the path forward in your life. You have so many answers inside of yourself, within your soul. The Records are connected by higher energies that make the illusions clear, and help illuminate the truth of who you are, and what really matters for you to be at your best state sooner rather than later.

As I work with the Akashic Records, I can also perform deep energy clearing and healings of energy that is holding you back. All of these negative influences in your life have a heavy energy anchoring patterns and blocks so that you cannot think clearly, feel good, or make decisions to get your best life.

Many parts of the world are healing from the past. We have patterns of self sacrifice: patterns that tell you that to be a good person then you need to be feeling worn out and tired from giving. We have patterns that make people feel hopeless, that they can’t get out of cycles with money, with love, with friends, with being rejected or without the proper resources to do what they love. What I love about the Records is that it provides another (better) source of energy to override these really powerful global influences that disconnect you from your soul and higher self.

When you tap into your soul and your higher self, and work to release patterns in your Akashic Record, you can erase this funky energy. You can overcome the past that taught you to sacrifice the most meaningful aspects of your life: being free, being a fucking badass, and feeling happy.

This work gets you out of the box that is oppressing you over and over again. It’s keeping you up at night, making you think way too much about money, what people think, are you doing enough, are you enough or too much… Basically postponing your happiness.

When you truly step out of the frame of these negative feelings, you can become radically powerful, a game-changer in this world. And I really want to see that.

This isn’t the same as going to a counselor, this is energy work. You could say it’s like Reiki, but I’m drawing it from a different tradition from a host of teachers. If you want more information feel free to ask for a conversation! Unlike going to a therapist, won’t be going too deep into your life story, or talking about everything that’s happened, because the biggest thing is to change the energy and emotions held in your body, themselves. I know a lot about soothing the body as a Licensed Massage Therapist, even at a distance. I’m also a Reiki Master, Certified Akashic Records Practitioner, etc. Shifting energy is my wheel house.

I know how to turn these inner shifts into outer results, as I have been coaching writers and creators, as well as entrepreneurs, to kick ass and make progress on projects over the last eight years. I also have a Masters in Spiritual Care from Loyola in Maryland.

If you are ready to be free to be you, head over here to book your session!