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Exciting Things are Happening

I’m really passionate about helping people like you to put yourself, your ideas and your work out into the world–

to write for your book or a business–

but to approach your life differently, too,

because for me the most important thing is the courage to be yourself first in ALL areas.

I really enjoy helping people to see the value in ALL that they are, and spin that into words so other people can really see it too, with little gleams and stars in their eyes.

And I like teaching you how to do it.

I want you to get hooked on sharing from your heart so that you never stop.

That’s what happened to me.

I got addicted when I learned that I could transform other people’s lives with my stories and insight.

That’s what hooked me 10 years ago. At that point I was hiding the real essence of who I was and I didn’t want anyone to find me.

My writing was a secret up for a decade up until that point.

I knew if I ever wanted to publish my book and have it be read,

or if I was going to be successful at working for myself as a business owner,

that I needed to CONNECT WITH PEOPLE and market myself.

I couldn’t hide and expect that to happen.

I could take time to prepare but eventually had to put myself out there.

It felt risky but one day I took a chance. I published a blog called How I became a Witch and a Writer.

I identify now as less of a witch, and more as a mermaid, but this was then. Declaring this story in front of the world was a special thing for me.

I really put myself out there in a vulnerable way. I was scared to press that publish button!!

But the story was crafted well and it was well received.

In the end, other people told me it inspired them to be more themselves.

I was stunned. Wow. Just wow:

I was more me, and it made other people’s lives better, too.

It felt way TOO GOOD. Too good not to keep doing.

As a result of this, I came out of the shadows permanently.

And that is why I continue to be passionate about helping other people to get writing done (in a beautiful, courageous way!) and out into the world…

Which includes writing for your book or business in a way that draws people to you.

Since then, rather than try to hide my writing, I’ve been aiming to get it in front of as many people as possible.

And for every person that reads it, I want to help in the deepest way I can.

So I keep stretching.

When you are on the path to embrace the courage to be yourself first, and to serve other people in a deeper way, the journey is never over!

There is always another edge, another challenge–

-another idea to share

-another story to tell

-another offer to make for a business

Another way to grow and another person to serve.

I’m not done, and, I suspect, neither are you.

We are the same that way–

And that’s why writing groups are awesome.

I love, love, love the Writing Groups that I have been leading over the last ten years, because they inspire ME and I get to help others.

We are all in this together.

We all have things inside that we want to share.

And I fully respect what you have inside is unique and valuable–as valuable as what’s in me.

It’s a win win!!

And let me say…

Over the last 20 years I have learned a lot about writing, storytelling, capturing attention, and copywriting–

Which I teach in my group.

I’ve sold things in my business through writing and helped other people do the same. I’ve published my book, numerous articles, and edited what became bestsellers.

I would love to share HOW to write and help other people in a bigger way with your book or business.

I’d love to get in the trenches with you, provide feedback and answer your questions–

help you figure out what to write so it moves people in a big way, or even brings in clients for you.

But remember at the heart of everything I hope to share with you–

whether you join the Winter Writing Group when it opens on November 17th or not–

This is my transmission:


Yes, mermaid, I see you!

There is a beautiful part of you that may be locked away and I am here to help it unfold!

Take this energy, it is yours. You can have it and share it, too.

It doesn’t belong just to me, it is for all of us.

Trust me. This is the key.

Now LET’S do this!

PS. The Winter Writing Group is for free-spirits & entrepreneurs who want to write for their business, website, copywriting, content, or book!

There are only 8 spots open right now.

I’ve intentionally made the price accessible so the people who need this can get this.

Last time we filled up!

If you are interested, sign up for the waitlist to get first dibs at a spot.

You’ll also get a surprise thank you gift.

​Sign up for the waitlist here and let’s write together!