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Exciting: Beginnings And 100% Juice!

It’s the beginning of a new chapter! That phrase keeps coming to me, ever since that full moon a week or so ago.

My Summer Writing Group filled my goal of 8 people and I even added an additional person to make it 9.

It feels so good to hit that benchmark.

Is a chapter ending for you?

And as life always goes in cycles…..the end of one chapter is the beginning of another!

So what’s next for you?

Something that has been exciting me lately is the idea of creating a Second Brain.

The book “Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential” by Tiago Forte came out recently and it lit me on fire.

Why am I so obsessed??

Because I have sooooooo many ideas, for my business and my books, as well as for my life.

I want to get ALL the juice out of those ideas.

You know, like squeezing an orange and getting all that beautiful juice out–not just half or even 75%

I want the full 100% out.

Because I feel like sometimes I have these brilliant insights that are so easily lost in my notebooks or documents–

and it is that last 25% where the GENIUS resides.

I want to get that genius OUT.

Be all of me.

Help others in a big way, too.

Can you relate?

Do you want to join me?

Right now there is a Book Club for the book going on that is free, and I’m giving it a try.

In ALL honesty, I don’t know that I will implement everything for the book immediately but the concepts have already led me through some pretty interesting wormholes I can’t wait to tell you about.


You can get your copy here (I don’t make money from this I’m just a fan!)

and join the Book Club here: https://basb.io/bookclub

Here is to listening to our ideas, our intuitions, our callings–

whether you are in a non-linear non-traditional goal type of space like I am in this very moment,

enjoying going to the pool as often as possible,

and ceasing the incessant “shoulding” on myself that I should work harder even though my bills are paid….

Or if you DO have a goal you want to light on fire, this could be really helpful!

Let’s let the robots help us to get our best thoughts and wisdom out in a way we can use to make the world a better place.

Get your copy here and join the Book Club here: https://basb.io/bookclub