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Don’t be a fake friend to yourself

How you been?

In the past week, I have been a bit ill.

It started as headaches that went away for a few days, but then no, apparently they are back and I have a cold.

We are also wrapping up week 2 of the ​free Heartfelt Writing Challenge. ​

Even if you are not in the challenge, I think you’ll enjoy this writing pep talk I shared with all of the participants!


Today’s PEP talk:

I’ve been writing and publishing online for over 20 years.

What I’ve learned from my process and from helping countless other writers with theirs….

is that it’s easy to be unsatisfied and harder to feel satisfied.

You have to be really clear on your priorities about what really matters to you,

otherwise, you can always pick apart a piece of writing and find fault with it.

You can also always pick apart yourself for not doing well enough.

To me the ultimate point of writing is to be your own best friend.

I know it sounds trite or whatever but what does a best friend do?

– Listen to you talk.

– Notice the patterns and emotions under your words.

– Point out things you didn’t include.

– Offer helpful suggestions based on what you shared.

You can have your time to talk about yourself, write about yourself and then look back as the listener.

– How am I really?

– What is really going on here?

– Now that I have vented what is my next step?

– How much is this something I will care about later on? Is any of this writing a keeper or is this complete?


Whether you write by hand, on a computer, transcribe your audio or watch a video of yourself talking,

I count that all as writing ✍️

it just has to be encoded and recorded so you can revisit it objectively from another angle.

Please revisit your writing as a unicorn 🦄 best friend

(not a fake friend).

For more writing peptalks and resources, sign up for my free weekly newsletter here.

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