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Did you forget the core?

Have you ever forgotten the real thing that you are passionate about–

especially when it comes time to sharing it with other people?

I call it showing up half way and I see writers, creators, artists and entrepreneurs do it all the time.

For example:

Years ago I was complaining to a friend about my business. It wasn’t working, I said. I am doing all the right things.

“What happened to your business offers?” She said. “I don’t see you talking about what you can actually do for people, like all the creative support you say you want to do.”

Damn. Seen.

I tried to remember what I had shared recently like that…was not much.

She was right.

I wrote and created and show up consistently online. I could educate, inspire, entertain.

But I was not very salesy, to my own detriment I didn’t actually say how people could hire me to make progress for their book or business.

I know that a lot of people have feelings about people being salesy,

but for a writer, creator, & healer like me–

This is how I pay my bills. This is how I have a job that uses my genius.

If I don’t sell my skills, that’s basically like me deciding I deserve to be homeless and powerless despite everything good I have been given.

A lot of artists need financial support to keep going and hate the money factor.

But at the end of the day business is just about creating win-win opportunities to get paid and give your gift. The end.

It’s freaking magic actually.

But in that season, I was afraid of ruffling feathers in a big way, or that people wouldn’t like me so I stepped off the business gas…I “forgot”.

I stopped sharing the thing that would make the biggest difference to share.

Which means I was the reason I wasn’t getting many new clients!!!

I shared things online and felt like I did stuff but business-wise it was only half way there.

I had released being strategic about sharing my work and inviting people in.

And most of all, I wasn’t truly offering the deepest, most profound, amazing level of my SOUL work…

I was only scratching the surface of the service I could really give to the world by following my heart fully.

It is like going to party to announce something big and getting all the attention but kicking that announcement under the table, unseen and unfelt.

Do you relate?
I see creators do this all the time!!

Dance around it. Talk about anything else but that thing that would move the needle on your selfish desires:

-The thing that would earn you money.

-The book you really love writing.

-The talent and gift you have.


And you are the one that really misses out but other people will, too.

I just get this spider-sense and I know a lot of people miss the mark on what they really are here to do, even if other people can’t tell.

There are a hundred ways and a hundred days to do this.

-forget to mention your website or a way to connect more

-don’t call someone to follow up

-spend no time sharing and all the time creating.

These days, I always try to show up in those places I know I have been lacking–

even paying attention to what other people see that I don’t.

Cuz I am all about following my intuition but we all have blindsides mmk?

So I HEARD my friend. And thus, my new leaf is all about letting everyone know that:

I am a mermaid-at-heart badass who can help you make progress writing, creating or marketing for your book, creative work, and business.

AND if you can relate to anything I shared, the good news is that…

I’m giving away 2 FREE Creative Discovery Calls to help you shine in your zone of genius and make waves, living the good life:

-reconnect to what truly matters to you as a writer, creator or entrepreneur (the gift, the spark, the vision, the inspiration)

-explore the problems holding you back from advancing your creative work, doing it, sharing it, selling it

-discuss your next steps so you can shine fully as a creator, finish projects, make more sales and getting more beach time…

A 20-30 minute call for free!

All you have to do is apply in the next 24 hours.

Click here to see the webpage for Your Mermaid Treasure VIP & click the button at the bottom of the page to Apply!

Love for my free Creative Discovery sessions:

“I came to Sofia’s free Creative Soul Clarity Session because I lacked the confidence to bring my ideas to fruition. I basically felt stuck and lacking self worth.

Sofia was amazing. She is so kind and simply willing to help in any way. She helped me to get a schedule down and basically knock down every obstacle that I built for myself. She helped me to simplify. She gave me confidence and direction.

After working with Sofia, I have began my rough draft and am moving in a positive direction. I know that I can do it and I am doing it.

If you are hesitant about hiring Sofia, hire her anyway. She has such a spiritual connection that she knows what you need. Her intuition is always spot on and she thrives on helping others. She is honest and very good at what she does.

Heather McConnell, intuitive, Las Vegas, NV

Click here to apply

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