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Cure Overwhelm with Simplicity

Feeling a lot of intensity? You are not alone, I am feeling it, too.

There are two modes I notice myself getting into when this happens:

1. Hustling extra hard and jumping immediately to do a lot of action (some of which is unnecessary).

2. Being so overwhelmed it is hard to do anything.


Your best work does not come from this overwhelmed place.

To get out of overwhelm so you can write and create things that are truly AWE-INSPIRING, you need to look at the causes of why you get overwhelmed.

One of the biggest culprits for me (besides unforeseen global events…) is having some overcomplicated structures of patterns in my life.

Overcomplications drain your energy.

-Negative thought patterns
-Processes that take too much time away from your priorities
-Overextending or overpromising
-Trying to do too much

What always helps me is the idea that 20% of your effort creates 80% of your results.

What is the 20% for you?

For me inner practices like breathwork, journaling, meditation, and pulling tarot cards are so helpful.

They help me to focus and tap into the deeper part of myself.

They definitely help me tap into an air of simplicity:

That feeling of release and surrender of all the weight and drama in life.

That is where I tap into my genius and do my best work!

So that’s why these practices are part of the 20% that gives me 80% of my results.

Now it is your turn:

What things take 20% of your time and energy but create 80% of your results?


Make a directory of these things in an easy-to-see place, so you don’t forget!

Ready to make faster progress in a way that won’t leave you overwhelmed?

Contact me now to get the support you need to tap into your power so you can write, and create in awe-inspiring ways. Spots are limited!