Don’t let incompleteness steal your victory.
I know you want more and I know you want to do it better. But when you take a step, when you try, when you do something scary or hard or nerve-racking or that took more energy than turning the tv on and being mindless—CONGRATULATE YOURSELF.
So many times I see people go perform at an open mic and do a nice job, only to feel anxious about it afterward. I do it, too. The message we must tell ourselves is—that was good! Good job! The point was to get up there and I did it.
Give yourself a break.
If you have a todo list you may feel like you have to complete everything on it in order to feel satisfied. That’s a lie! You are totally worth celebrating even without doing anything! That’s unconditional love.
When you deny yourself the opportunity to celebrate doing a thing, then you actually reaffirm dangerous messages that YOU are not enough because you haven’t done enough. I’m telling you that never ends well. You are enough and you are doing enough—fill your head with that and you’ll be more inspired to do exactly what you need to do on the things that matter. You’ll be less scared or anxious. You will feel less confused. You’ll be able to address your failures and weak points with more compassion because it won’t be a horrible insecurity to mean that you suck. It’ll just be something to work on. You’ll be happy when you have cool things going on but you’ll be more fulfilled overall even when you do nothing.
Let yourself be victorious, don’t let anyone steal it from you, and don’t steal it from yourself.
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