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Chicklit: One Pink Line by Dina Silver — 4.5 Stars

So looking to read something girly? One Pink Line is the chant of a college student waiting anxiously to know if she is– as she suspects–pregnant. And not with her boyfriend’s baby either, but the outcome of a drunken fraternity party. Whoops.. and for some reason, though no one supports her, she decides to keep it.

And as in every good chickflick–it has a happy ending! Cute as a newborn baby, and feel good, too.

An easy read though It’s not the shortest book, with a meaty middle, but the story touches your heart and encourages you to read more. Once you get deep enough into it, there become two stories, one from the future, alongside the preexisting storyline. I didn’t catch it right away so for a moment I was confused, but it gives you a sense of what is going to happen–that everything is going to be alright. I was still compelled to hear it for myself and read all the way to the end with as few breaks as possible!

Received book in exchange for a review
See it on One Pink Line
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