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Celebrating + Starting Monday right

🦋 💜 🌿 How are you? Wishing you a happy week.

Below, I have a free resource to help you to set up your week right and make it a productive one.

But first, I really want to celebrate how far we have come since last week.

We raised $420 for charity to send Ismatu, a woman in Sierra Leone, to college!

This means that we met our short term goal to provide her with the supplies she needed to enter lab class: a gown, cap, shoes, gloves, etc. She is receiving the funds immediately so she can enter class and not get too far behind on her microbiology degree.


I think it is so important to celebrate that.

Truly last week I was feeling very discouraged and despondent that we would not be able to help in time, but people stepped forward and we are where we need to be now to help her continue her education.

She has worked so hard, and her home is such a hard place for women, this is a light in the darkness for them. And for us!

Anyway — we all have a part to play in creating a better future. We all have a piece of the puzzle, my piece does not have to look like your piece.

But together we make up a harmonious whole.

I truly believe that each of us is here to play some sort of role, and fit into a larger effort to make the future something beautiful. We are all necessary.

I hope this success serves as inspiration for you to know that there is good happening, and it is possible to make a difference doing what you feel called to do.

Also — I would love to help you to start this week off right.

I just did a live cowork focused on setting yourself up for a powerful week where you move the needle on what matters most.

It’s free!

Watching the replay, you will get my guidance on how to start the week right.

When you watch you also help us to amplify word about our charity efforts as well as collect the rest of the fees needed for Ismatu’s college education.

​Watch it here to get ready for a productive week ahead.​

Live Coworks for Charity

What is it?

This is a free chill hangout space to find your grounding, and work on your creative, growth or work project like journaling, writing, doing tasks or organizing your ideas.

And when you watch you are doing good: helping to raise a few hundred dollars in fees for a young woman in college.

She’s from a place in Sierra Leone, where only 10-20% can read, and only 1% of women graduate. This is a lifechanging way to support women to escape poverty, abuse and violence and get a good job and without the success of our fundraiser, she will have to drop out.

How much is it ? Free to attend! Free to support! Free to help!

Tips are welcome but no donation required. Everyone who joins us is helping us spread the word, and that alone is appreciated. Come do good with us!!


On youtube: ​Watch the Cowork for today I just recorded here now​

Make sure to hit the bell on Youtube not only subscribe to all my videos but get notified the next time we go live for a cowork session!

How to help?

Watching, liking, commenting or sharing with a friend help us to spread the world!

Want more information?

​ Read more about our charity efforts, and get the current information about it here.​

Thanks for reading

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