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Brimming with ideas + creative flow

(Me and my fiance Andrew in Japan a year ago!)

The other day this phrase came to me, “Brimming with ideas,”

when it feels so easy

and all the ideas are coming out of your ears.

You make faster progress on everything.

I’m doing a FREE workshop on Friday if you want to feel more FLOW and know what to do next to make progress!

(Scroll down for all the info on that)

I want to help you get into the flow–

which to me includes the feeling of being brimming with ideas

but there is also a peace and calm

of knowing what things to do & in what order–

a Step. Step. Step.

Each step going in place in a SUSTAINABLE Flow.

Emphasis on SUSTAINABLE.

Also on “One Step at a Time.”

Over the years I’ve worked with a lot of sensitive writers, healers, creators–and just overall cool people!

And I think a lot of us get easily overwhelmed…

As I type, I’m suddenly getting this mental picture…

Imagine me typing this while under a rock.

LOL That has been me for months!

(Since my dad was sick and my personal life was put upside down by his passing.)

Well, I am starting to get out from under the rock bit by bit!

it has just shown a bigger spotlight for me on the things that are always important:

not doing too much

slowing down to listen to how I am

being kind to myself

using patient, gentle strategies to make the most out of my life without burning out.

And here is a big part of getting into the flow for me….

I keep asking myself, “How are you doing?”

In order to get into a flow, it helps to ask myself this question several times a day.

In fact I have a timer that asks me this every few hours.

And now I want to ask you!

I’d love to hear, “How you are doing?”

For real

This Friday January 21st at 11 am Eastern,

I’m hosting a free party & workshop online to see how you are doing!

The goal:

-hangout and party so we can connect

-find out how you are (especially if you feel all over the place like me lately!)

-do some exercises and writing together so you can seque into your next chapter with some idea about what you are creating next!

And please–

Whether you are creating a book, business or other thing, do not forget you also have a life to create.

Everything you are doing matters even when you are not “doing” much.

It is enough.

You are enough.

I know a lot of people are tired or ill right now.

Just remember:

Every day we have a chance to change our experiences and create a new way.

I’ve seen it in the rapid transformation my dad took in his final years on this planet–

making new choices that gave him great happiness.

So grateful he did that, for himself.

It is not a given to be happy or not–he had to choose it and help himself.

I’ve never been more passionate about helping others not to waste time-

-to do what their soul is calling out for them to do, whether it is

  • ordering food for delivery to their house, or
  • writing a book, or
  • growing a business.

Because life is precious. You do you.

Just don’t be a workhorse that hates your life, okay?

(because what is the point of that?)

So in sum we often have a couple options for how we want to create our experience.

Find an individual path that resonates with you on the highest level–

and for that I always say, your inner mermaid is the source for that wisdom of which path to take and what to do next.

That’s why I like to lead workshops and classes to help you to know what to do next because you can hear your intuition and trust it. <3

AND If you can’t make the event on Friday

don’t worry there will be more great workshops coming up this year.

I’m aiming to do a monthly workshop and will announce February’s soon!

Make sure you are signed up for my email list to get access to this and more free events:

And if you are already signed up–check your email for all the information about how to join the party on Friday

You can also get news about all events by signing up for the Quickguide to Becoming a Creative Powerhouse in your book or business, or other project.

Get your free ebook and event invitations below!