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Become aware

The best way to make faster progress is to become aware. Track everything especially if you need a boost.
If you feel icky like you need to get things done but you aren’t getting enough done, then include:

Getting up.
Getting out of bed (different!).
Making cups of tea and meals.
Taking showers.
Completing part of a book or TV show.
Watching YouTube videos.
Reading the news.

It’s a record of how you spend your time. Do not think, just list.

Then celebrate anything that could be valuable to your self care, creativity, wellbeing or productivity. If it helps none of those things…maybe stop doing as much of it. Put more emphasis on noticing what helpful stuff is getting done.

I like to keep a running list with two parts:

A. Done list

B. To Do list

Because when I do something, I often think of more I could do in the future. I add what is done and then add my new idea for the future to the to do list as I update.
I let things that should be done sooner hang out at the top of the to do list, and things for farther off hang out at the bottom.

Then I do something else. I go do what I want to do, trusting the rest will get done and I won’t forget because it is written down. Or I scan the to do list and pick something. You can also reorder the Todo list in order of importance which can be helpful.

After several days this to do list needs to be broken down into another form so you don’t get overloaded but if you need a quick boost this can get you into a flow with something to celebrate. I have other systems to keep track of to dos but sometimes this is really all I can handle. That’s the case when I get stressed or fall off the ball for a while and get need to get back on track.

The most important part is *drum roll* celebrating that you did anything at all.

You must celebrate!! I repeat, you must celebrate! The point is to provide evidence that you are doing SOMETHING. Then you can feel like you CAN do more, and then you will be kicking ass and taking names.
This system has gotten me through many a rough day. Hope it helps.

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