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Be Rejection Proof

Are you ever scared of rejection? I am!! All the time! And yet I don’t let it stop me.

Recently I watched a Youtube video from “How to ADHD” on ADHD and rejection sensitivity. (It’s here)

I work with a lot of people who have ADHD and besides that I have a lot of friends in this boat, too. I refuse to stand by and allow other people to feel discouraged about something that is totally normal and to have any doubt that they are capable.

If you have a desire to write or create, fear of rejection can seriously get in the way. Here are some examples of how:

  • It can cause you to not work on the book you’ve been meaning to write.

A lot of people don’t even realize that they are blocked by a fear of writing the wrong thing and being rejected, or not writing well enough. But it’s super common! I struggled with that for sure and my clients have, too. You can get over this.

  • It can cause you to have stops and starts on your business.

Not all people are not all a fit for what you offer right now and that can feel really awkward. I for one am so sensitive that little things can let me know someone is not a fit, which can be very discouraging. I know I’m not alone, so for you: Keep going.

Do I have ADHD?

That said, I wonder if I have ADHD myself this rejection sensitivity (one possible symptom) is something I have struggled with my whole life!

Fear of rejection is something I have only recently been aware of as a pattern of mine.

I can see how it has made life difficult and my goals more difficult as well—perhaps that is why it has been so key for me to receive support all along the way to publish my book and run my business.


-I have heard ‘no’ a lot of times in my business over the last 9 years, and I’m proud to say I’m still here!

-Despite the fear of rejection, I’m also the proud author of my book Freedom Year, magazine articles, and chapters in multiple books.

-And I recorded a single of my original song New Dawn after years of stage fright that would take my voice away.

I’m still pursuing my dreams despite being sensitive to rejection—

If you need more support, definitely reach out, I’d be happy to help you find ways to make progress being your full mermaid self through your book, business or artform. Click here to contact me.

But here’s some more things that helped me be REJECTION PROOF:

*Journaling or recording myself out loud—Connecting to my thoughts and feelings helps me put myself at the center of my life, not prioritizing other people’s reactions over myself.

*Having a driving passion— When I’m reconnecting to myself, eventually I remember my passion to keep creating and serving. It feels so good to connect to people, which means putting myself out there.

*Knowing that although something feels like rejection, it doesn’t mean it really is—Included in that video on youtube was this tip. It’s easy to take things as a personal rejection, but often you can perceive it another way entirely.

Contact me for support if you are committed to overcoming any fears in the way of your desire to write or create for your book, business or other project. You got this!

I’m putting on 2 livestreams this week to combat fear of rejection.


Monday: Overcome fears to share your stuff more as a writer or creator

Wednesday: Overcome fears to sell your stuff as a creator or entrepreneur

Hope to see you there (my personal page on facebook)