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Attain Your Definition of Success

SofiaWren2013 (11 of 41)

Many of the people I work with are unhappy. Hate their job, work too much, and not in a way that feels authentic and honest about who they really are. But even though they resent that, are sick of it, they feel stuck because they need to pay the bills. They just don’t know what else to do.

Maybe you are like this– I’ve been through this several times and I’m only 26.

I’m like you– I thought if I followed the rules, put in the time, and worked hard to attain the goals other people called “successful” then I would feel successful.

I’d have enough money, and enough time to rest. I’d be happy and have lots of friends–bcause I’m successful and that’s what happens, right?

But life doesn’t really work like that, does it?

Getting in touch with what is really important is the only way to see real happiness come true in your life.

This is something I can help you with. I’ve always been good at reading between the lines and helping other people to see their situation in a more positive light.

Getting clear about what is really the true definition of success for ourselves is necessary. But it can also be hard to do alone.

Why? It’s so hard  because it’s easy for you  to feel like there must be something wrong with you if “success” and the life you worked so hard to create aren’t satisfying and fulfilling you.

I know this sucks!

The good news is that once you know what you are looking for, you can bring it into your life within the month.

In this video I share my definition  of success: freedom, spontaneity, ending work at a reasonable hour and talking to you, and how it differs from a more mainstream approach.

I even cut corners on lighting and making sure the camera didn’t point at one of the ugliest spots in my new house (of course it’s the one only I usually see) but what’s important is I got it done. I made it a part of my point: for me the definition of success is putting myself out there in the first place, even if it’s not perfect. That way I can go back to chilling out and enjoying life.

Watch for  suggestions to get clear on your definition of success in 2014 for happiness and balance.

Still have questions about where to go from here? Work with me in-depth– only 4 spots are left this year at the time of this writing: https://sofiawren.com/cut-the-confusion-embrace-a-clear-path-for-2014/

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