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How to Celebrate Your Ancestors this Halloween

I’m so glad you joined me to learn more about how you can make your Halloween a deep and meaningful experience. 

My mother passed when I was three, which means I didn’t have many memories of her either. When my second grandfather passed away a few years ago, I decided to honor him at Halloween.

This process brought me great healing as I felt like my mother and my grandfathers were still out there supporting and loving me.

I want everyone to be able to experience this kind of love and healing from the people that they love so much. 

Now it’s the season of October 31st which is Halloween, also known as Samhain in some witchy traditions. November 1st is often celebrated by people of many different cultures as the Day of the Dead.

I first learned to contact and honor my ancestors as part of the spiritual tradition of Wicca, and I was taught that during the two weeks before and after October 13st the veils thin.

This veil separates the living and the dead and allows increased communication between us and those who have passed.

 The best way I know how to do this is to create a spiritual ceremony of your own, using the kinds of candles or incense or prayers that will be special to you.
Here’s a general outline.
Please read this ahead of time, as there are a couple of links to explain terms you may not be familiar with.
1. Cleanse, take a shower, bath, wash hands etc. Gather a momento of your loved one, or your memory, and a candle with a match. This is a time for clearing and calming yourself of everything else going on in your life.
2. Go to a private room where you will not be disturbed. Cast a Circle
3. Shield yourself. Insert calming meditation of your choice.
4. Invite divine, creator, insert-deity-name here, mother nature, angels, masters, whoever you like to join you and help you reach ancestors in a way that will be healing to you. Just say this or think this and wait a bit.
5. Gaze on momento or remember your ancestor.
6 Invite ancestor to join your circle. Note that no harmful energy may join.
7 Listen. Feel the energy that comes to you. Allow thoughts to wander and explore your relationship to your ancestor, your feelings, desires for answer etc. Just let your mind go where it needs to go, cry if it will make you feel better.
8. Say thank you and good bye to ancestor when ready. Remember you can contact them another day.
9 Say thank you to the helpful energies you called to help you before
10 Leave your shield on because it’s a weird time of year. You can imagine a bright light clearing it off if needed
11. Open the circle
12. Ground. Eat something. Go outside. Do jumping jacks etc.
There you have it! It is the easiest time of year to contact ancestors.
Add your meaningful words where it feels right. You can do it. Best Sofia Wren.