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Tarot for Charity Party

Live Tarot for Charity party online Wed March 18 at 1 PM PST or 4 PM EST Sofia Wren & Kris Seraphine

“Kris’s Tarot Card reading was insightful, enlightening, and spot-on. I have had many readings through the years and no one has provided as much accuracy and clarity as Kris. She truly forms a genuine connection and has an astounding comprehension of the messages within the cards. I highly recommend tapping into Kris’s talent and getting a reading, you will not be disappointed!” – Theresa, California

“Kris is an amazing teacher and writer full of light, wisdom and emanates joy in her teachings. Also the best Tarot card reader. Have recommended several friends to have readings and Kris is always generous, bringing light to the issues with insight and accuracy. Love her 💖 highly recommended her classes and readings.” – Colleen, California

“Kris has such a nurturing warmth and love that just oozes from her every word and act and then you couple it with a natural intuitiveness, skills with tarot cards, and her business savvy, and you have one very special and unique women who thrives in this realm! I loved our soul session together; it was affirming for the direction I’m going in creatively, personally, and professionally and encouraging as well to continue listen to my instincts and intuition in all aspects of my life. I highly recommend doing a business soul strategy session with Kris if you’re going in a new direction with your business or creating a new one from the ground up.” – Rachel, California

Join me and Kris Seraphine for an online Tarot party

Wednesday March 19
1-2 PM pacific / 4-5 PM Eastern

My friend Kris Seraphine and I will be fundraising for Aminata in Sierra Leone and

giving out Tarot readings to everyone who donates $25 or more!

We’re just $700 away from our final goal – 28 donations of $25.

Come and share with your friends so we can reach our goal. Let’s make a big impact together.

More information:

What is the cause?

We are raising college fees for women in Sierra Leone.

We just completed a fundraiser for Ismatu! Yayyy!!

Next for our last student of the year, we are helping Aminata:

  • Year 3 pharmacy degree student
  • Orphaned, her parents died shortly after enrolling in college
  • comes from a city with low female literacy in Sierra Leone

Aminata’s mother (only parent) died and she does not have the support to continue school without help. She is in her third year studying pharmacy at university. This will ensure she will have a job to support herself.

Why it matters

It is rare for women to go to university there so we want to make sure she doesn’t have to drop out before she can finish. Only 1 out of 5 women in the city where she is from can read a sentence, so it’s a shame for this tragedy to force her to drop out of the most prestigious medical university in the country.

Aminata said without this degree her only job alternative is constantly hunting unreliable part-time jobs doing hard-labor, like hand washing laundry. But the degree will ensure her a steady career like her mother hoped for her.

Can I learn more about this nonprofit?

​Click here to read more about this fundraiser and the nonprofit Her Future Foundation. ​

What we need:

Thanks for coming. We only need about $700 total for her. That’s 28 donations of $25.

Please spread the word.

It will change Aminata’s life. This is my last fundraising goal for the season!

How much is it?

  • Everyone who donates $25 or more between now and the March 19 party can get a live Tarot reading if you come to the party!
  • Also, if you have given to our previous fundraisers for Ismatu and Her Future Foundation since December, you are eligible for a reading as long as we have the time!
  • Feel free to come and support even if you haven’t donated–you might hear something that resonates.

How to Join the Tarot Party

Join live on Zoom:

​Click here to register for the live zoom​

Or watch and comment to get your reading on facebook.

Reload this page when it’s time to start and you’ll see the video for the event:


Wednesday March 19

1-2 PM pacific / 4-5 PM Eastern

How to Donate:

Send your donation to one of the places below.

The suggested donation to get a reading is $25 but ANY amount helps.

You will be sending your money to me, Sofia

I will then be transferring money to Her Future Foundation in Sierra Leone for their programs.

Or you can donate through GivenGain if you prefer to send it directly to the Her Future Foundation organization. There is a delay of 2-4 weeks before the funds arrive via GivenGain. We may have to apply your funds to a future fundraiser if we do not receive it in time. It will be added to our tallies when processed.

You are still eligible to get a tarot reading if you donate through GivenGain

​Pay through GivenGain​

Your Tarot Readers

Sofia Wren:

(From Sofia: This is a special treat – I rarely offer Tarot Readings outside of my private coaching!)

Sofia, the “mermaid wrangler”, helps you tap into your power to write and create awe-striking things.

Sofia Wren is a writer, musician, and spiritual support for writers, creators, and entrepreneurs around the world. She helps sensitive people who are grinding or circling around to know exactly what to do next to make progress on their books and businesses.

With spot-on intuition, positive vibes, and a gift for words that inspire, she has a passion for helping unconventional people to always know what to do next because they can hear their intuition and trust it.  

Praise for Sofia:

“I had my reading with Sofia Wren today. It felt really sacred and perfect!

I had been feeling agitated and stressed off and on for the last week and was looking for relief.

The amazing thing was that out of the three cards Sofia pulled all of them spoke to different aspects of my life that had been bothering me. She opened the door ways to insights that I had not seen clearly before.

She facilitated a shift in energy and gave me practical tools to take away and integrate. Emotions that had been stuck bubbled up and were able to be cleared. After my session I felt calmer and more inspired, I felt like I had a focused path to follow.

Thank you Sofia.” – Kate Burkett

Kris Oster:

I’ve been reading Tarot since age 12 and have been channeling angels, goddesses, spirit guides and passed-over loved ones for as long as I can remember.

Professionally, I’m an author, tarot reader, reiki healer, astrologer, archetypal brand strategist and marketing copywriter who helps entrepreneurial Healers, Coaches & Priestesses create mythic & monetizable brands that become the stuff of legends. 

Once upon a time, I was a corporate marketing director and lead website developer for some pretty big names, including Citrix Online, E! Entertainment Television, Disney, ABC, Paramount Pictures. I received my PH.D in Mythological Studies from Pacifica Graduate Institute where I studied mythology and depth psychology with such luminaries as Marion Woodman and James Hillman. I have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs create a business and livelihood that feels pleasurable, alluring and that reflects their authentic vision.

You can learn more about me at 

Sending you oceans of love,


Praise for Kris:

“I received a business tarot reading from Kris. I was delighted. I am an artist and the typical business coaching session leaves me uninspired and kinda dry. Kris’s approach in combining the the tarot with her business skills was very effective for me. It brought the magic and mystery, that I so love, into the dry parts of my work. I guess what pleased me the most is that she completely spun the concept of business around for me. Kris showed me that the business parts don’t have to be boring, that by mixing it up with the sacred and magical it can be fun and so much more effective. I feel a little like she infused my business with Spirit. I received great business advice in a way that I could hear it and in a way that I am actually excited to carry out. I highly recommend a tarot business reading from Kris.” – Terre, California

“Kris’s Tarot Card reading was insightful, enlightening, and spot-on. I have had many readings through the years and no one has provided as much accuracy and clarity as Kris. She truly forms a genuine connection and has an astounding comprehension of the messages within the cards. I highly recommend tapping into Kris’s talent and getting a reading, you will not be disappointed!” – Theresa, California

“Kris is an amazing teacher and writer full of light, wisdom and emanates joy in her teachings. Also the best Tarot card reader. Have recommended several friends to have readings and Kris is always generous, bringing light to the issues with insight and accuracy. Love her 💖 highly recommended her classes and readings.” – Colleen, California

“Kris has such a nurturing warmth and love that just oozes from her every word and act and then you couple it with a natural intuitiveness, skills with tarot cards, and her business savvy, and you have one very special and unique women who thrives in this realm! I loved our soul session together; it was affirming for the direction I’m going in creatively, personally, and professionally and encouraging as well to continue listen to my instincts and intuition in all aspects of my life. I highly recommend doing a business soul strategy session with Kris if you’re going in a new direction with your business or creating a new one from the ground up.” – Rachel, California

“When you have a reading with Kris, you know it’s going to be a magical experience. It’s not just that she’s got the whole sexy mermaid thing going on, being able to go into the depths of the subconscious and find the pearls and treasures lost to us, bringing them back to the surface. No, it’s more than that. She sings a siren song that lures us to our dreams, to the steps that we need to explore and to the beat we need to dance to in order for our dreams to become manifest. In that way, she seduces us with our own wild souls, and entices us to invoke our own inner powers. Her readings are accurate and exploratory, delving into areas of my business ideas that I had been keeping on the back-burner. As we immersed ourselves into the dark seas of these ideas, her readings helped me find my compass, my light and my magic. Without these, I would still be adrift on a sea of wishes and dreams that would amount to nothing. Now, armed and shimmering with magical ocean spray, I feel more than confident that I can achieve what I want and go after what I need, enchanted and empowered, and wickedly alive.” – Cynthia, United Kingdom


Following my intuition in uncertain times

🦋 💜 🌿 How are you?

Things in the USA and world are nutty, I won’t harp about it, only say that uncertainty feels like a buzzword.

And in uncertain times I gravitate to things like:
following my intuition,

reading Tarot cards, and

watching astrology reports on Youtube.

It’s something fun to think about.

(BTW If you’d like a personal intuitive reading, then come to our upcoming charity event TOMORROW!

In the spirit of generosity, everyone who has donated to my fundraisers in the past can come get a Card reading! And new people can donate to get a reading, or just come and support. Scroll down for all the info.)

I mentioned the eclipse in my last post, but I didn’t realize that on March 15 (Saturday), Mercury also went retrograde (and will remain so for about a month.)

Usually people mention Mercury Retrograde because something went wrong,

but for me there’s something I like about it.

I’ve always seen it as an opportunity to reread old journals, and wrap up old projects.

(Things that I like to do! But don’t always take the time.)

And admist the uncertainty in the air, I find myself tending to this sense of something unknown like a ritual…. raising my levels of patience with the answers slowly unfolding via these actions…

I spent the weekend in an hours long deep dive into old journal entries and blogs from previous eclipses and Mercury Retrogrades.

I pulled out old lessons and gems that speak to me even if I don’t fully understand why:

  • ADJUST YOUR EXPECTATIONS to be less perfectionist.
  • If you have been ignoring some kind of inner call, the signs will get louder and may possibly cause trouble, so be SURE to have downtime to hear yourself in the silence. You absolutely need to get clear on what your soul and intuition are trying to tell you, it is VITAL this week.. a new part of you will be revealed.
  • We need to be open to listening within to our feelings. We need to let go of feeling Obligated. Sometimes we are going to be feeling highs–and sometimes we are going to be feeling lows.

    But listen to what you are feeling and it may be a time when you need to chuck old rules and expectations out of the window so you can solve problems more creatively, take your time, get a break, etc, whatever you FEEL like doing. It may be difficult to let go and trust yourself that way, rather than an external authority or rule of how to do things, but it is what is really needed right now. Put yourself self first.
  • Commitment is essential to rapid growth and development as well as intimacy in relationships. So is clear communication and honesty. Be open with yourself to see how you fare in this area: how committed are you to your dreams? What are you committed to at this time?
  • An emerging creative power is coming forward, through your feelings, your passion, your actions and deeds. You must trust yourself.
  • Recognize you are brave and strong and have been for a long time. Have courage.
  • Slow down. Connection to pleasure is important. Answers will emerge.

I’m sharing because this is brings me fascination and inspiration in my life today and maybe something here resonates with you…even if you don’t totally know why.

I think when times are uncertain, trusting your intuition can be really helpful.

Want to try it?

if you’d like some more intuitive ideas tailored to you specifically and the questions you are sitting with.

I’m teaming up with a professional intuitive named Kris this week and you are welcome to join our online event on Wednesday, March 19 at 1 PM Pacific/ 4 PM Eastern

If you’d like a personal intuitive reading or a reading for you, your book, or business for as little as $25, then come to our upcoming charity event TOMORROW.

BTW In the spirit of generosity everyone who has donated to my Her Future Foundation fundraisers in the past can claim a free reading as a thank you!

Live Tarot for Charity party online Wed March 18 at 1 PM PST or 4 PM EST Sofia Wren & Kris Seraphine

“Kris’s Tarot Card reading was insightful, enlightening, and spot-on. I have had many readings through the years and no one has provided as much accuracy and clarity as Kris. She truly forms a genuine connection and has an astounding comprehension of the messages within the cards. I highly recommend tapping into Kris’s talent and getting a reading, you will not be disappointed!” – Theresa, California

“Kris is an amazing teacher and writer full of light, wisdom and emanates joy in her teachings. Also the best Tarot card reader. Have recommended several friends to have readings and Kris is always generous, bringing light to the issues with insight and accuracy. Love her 💖 highly recommended her classes and readings.” – Colleen, California

“Kris has such a nurturing warmth and love that just oozes from her every word and act and then you couple it with a natural intuitiveness, skills with tarot cards, and her business savvy, and you have one very special and unique women who thrives in this realm! I loved our soul session together; it was affirming for the direction I’m going in creatively, personally, and professionally and encouraging as well to continue listen to my instincts and intuition in all aspects of my life. I highly recommend doing a business soul strategy session with Kris if you’re going in a new direction with your business or creating a new one from the ground up.” – Rachel, California

Join me and Kris for an online Tarot party

Wednesday March 19 1-2 PM pacific / 4-5 PM Eastern

My friend Kris Seraphine and I will be celebrating our successful fundraisers and fundraising for our final student Aminata.

We giving out Tarot readings to everyone who donates $25 or more!

(And if you’ve supported the fundraisers for Her Future Foundation in the past, that counts, too!)

We’re now just $550 away from our final goal of $700 – which is 22 donations of $25.

Come and share with your friends so we can reach our goal. Let’s make a big impact together.

More information:

What is the cause?

We are celebrating our success with our previous fundraiser for students, & We are raising college fees for our last student, Amanita from Sierra Leone.

  • Year 3 pharmacy degree student
  • Orphaned, her parents died shortly after enrolling in college
  • comes from a city with low female literacy in Sierra Leone

Aminata’s mother (only parent) died and she does not have the support to continue school without help. She is in her third year studying pharmacy at university. This degree will ensure she will have a job to support herself. Total fees are $700.

Why it matters

It is rare for women to go to university there so we want to make sure she doesn’t have to drop out before she can finish. Only 1 out of 5 women in the city where she is from can read a sentence, so it’s a shame for this tragedy to force her to drop out of the most prestigious medical university in the country. 1% of women get any college education.

Aminata said without this degree her only job alternative is constantly hunting unreliable part-time jobs doing hard-labor, like hand washing laundry. But the degree will ensure her a steady career like her mother hoped for her.

Can I learn more about this nonprofit?
​Click here to read more about this fundraiser and the nonprofit Her Future Foundation. ​

What we need:

Thanks for coming. We only need about $700 total for her or $550 more.

That’s 28 donations 22 donations of $25.

Please spread the word.

It will change Aminata’s life. This is my last fundraising goal for the season! How much is the Tarot Party?

  • Everyone who donates $25 or more between now and the March 19 party can get a live Tarot reading if you come to the party!
  • Also, if you have given to our previous fundraisers for Her Future Foundation, you are eligible for a reading as long as we have the time!
  • Feel free to come and support even if you haven’t donated–you might hear something that resonates.

How to Join the Tarot Party:

Join live on Zoom:

​Click here to register for the live zoom​

Or watch and comment to get your reading on facebook.

Reload this page when it’s time to start and you’ll see the video for the event:

​https://www.facebook.com/SofiaWren​ Wednesday March 19 1-2 PM pacific / 4-5 PM Eastern

How to Donate:

Send your donation to one of the places below.

The suggested donation to get a reading is $25 but ANY amount helps.

You will be sending your money to me, Sofia

I will then be transferring money to Her Future Foundation in Sierra Leone for their programs.

Or you can donate through GivenGain if you prefer to send it directly to the Her Future Foundation organization. There is a delay of 2-4 weeks before the funds arrive via GivenGain. We may have to apply your funds to a future fundraiser if we do not receive it in time. It will be added to our tallies when processed. ​Pay through GivenGain​

If you’d like to spread the word about this event, spread this link: ​https://sofiawren.com/tarot-party/​

Thanks for reading


Some Eclipse Day Thoughts

🦋 💜 🌿 How are you?

Today is a total lunar eclipse!

I had some thoughts come to me today and I wanted to share in case they are helpful!

Lately many people are facing an unknown:

what will the future hold and what should I do next?

It’s normal to be unsure.

That is the VIBE of the moment right now.

Double down on your inner practices like journaling and healing Examine all competing parts that you have, different fears and needs and engage in dialogue. This may take time to sort through. Trust the process

((Note: There are a lot of cool ways to do this. Examples are Carl Jung’s active imagination techniques, Gendling’s Focusing practice, and Internal Family Systems exercises. Give them a google, search on youtube or check out some books at your local library!))

Do some inner exploring …

And trust that perhaps this moment is an opportunity.

Yes maybe you don’t like it! But maybe it is the birthcanal to shape you into the magnificent person you were born to become and evolve into now At the end of the day it is your choice: – Be patient or impatient with yourself and this moment – Trust yourself or not – Listen or ignore

Today is an eclipse- if you are able to give yourself some time and stay curiously listening within, you will probably have some new insights next week.

If you are looking for some answers or certainty about the future, you also might like to watch this video, “What does it mean to be Psychic?” It feels right for this moment, I’ll put it below.

If you’d like a personal intuitive reading or a reading for you, your book, or business for as little as $25, then come to our upcoming charity event. Keep scrolling down for all the info!

Live Tarot for Charity party online Wed March 18 at 1 PM PST or 4 PM EST Sofia Wren & Kris Seraphine

“Kris’s Tarot Card reading was insightful, enlightening, and spot-on. I have had many readings through the years and no one has provided as much accuracy and clarity as Kris. She truly forms a genuine connection and has an astounding comprehension of the messages within the cards. I highly recommend tapping into Kris’s talent and getting a reading, you will not be disappointed!” – Theresa, California

“Kris is an amazing teacher and writer full of light, wisdom and emanates joy in her teachings. Also the best Tarot card reader. Have recommended several friends to have readings and Kris is always generous, bringing light to the issues with insight and accuracy. Love her 💖 highly recommended her classes and readings.” – Colleen, California

“Kris has such a nurturing warmth and love that just oozes from her every word and act and then you couple it with a natural intuitiveness, skills with tarot cards, and her business savvy, and you have one very special and unique women who thrives in this realm! I loved our soul session together; it was affirming for the direction I’m going in creatively, personally, and professionally and encouraging as well to continue listen to my instincts and intuition in all aspects of my life. I highly recommend doing a business soul strategy session with Kris if you’re going in a new direction with your business or creating a new one from the ground up.” – Rachel, California

Join me and Kris for an online Tarot party

Wednesday March 19 1-2 PM pacific / 4-5 PM Eastern

My friend Kris Seraphine and I will be celebrating and fundraising for our final student Aminata and

giving out Tarot readings to everyone who donates $25 or more!

We’re now just $550 away from our final goal of $700 – which is 22 donations of $25.

Come and share with your friends so we can reach our goal. Let’s make a big impact together.

More information:

What is the cause?

We are celebrating our success with our previous fundraiser for students, & We are raising college fees for our last student, Amanita from Sierra Leone.

  • Year 3 pharmacy degree student
  • Orphaned, her parents died shortly after enrolling in college
  • comes from a city with low female literacy in Sierra Leone

Aminata’s mother (only parent) died and she does not have the support to continue school without help. She is in her third year studying pharmacy at university. This will ensure she will have a job to support herself.

Why it matters

It is rare for women to go to university there so we want to make sure she doesn’t have to drop out before she can finish. Only 1 out of 5 women in the city where she is from can read a sentence, so it’s a shame for this tragedy to force her to drop out of the most prestigious medical university in the country. 1% of women get any college education.

Aminata said without this degree her only job alternative is constantly hunting unreliable part-time jobs doing hard-labor, like hand washing laundry. But the degree will ensure her a steady career like her mother hoped for her.

Can I learn more about this nonprofit?

​Click here to read more about this fundraiser and the nonprofit Her Future Foundation. ​

What we need:

Thanks for coming. We only need about $700 total for her. That’s 28 donations of $25.

Please spread the word.

It will change Aminata’s life. This is my last fundraising goal for the season!

How much is the Tarot Party?

  • Everyone who donates $25 or more between now and the March 19 party can get a live Tarot reading if you come to the party!
  • Also, if you have given to our previous fundraisers for Ismatu and Her Future Foundation since December, you are eligible for a reading as long as we have the time!
  • Feel free to come and support even if you haven’t donated–you might hear something that resonates.

How to Join the Tarot Party:

Join live on Zoom:

​Click here to register for the live zoom​

Or watch and comment to get your reading on facebook.

Reload this page when it’s time to start and you’ll see the video for the event:


Wednesday March 19

1-2 PM pacific / 4-5 PM Eastern

How to Donate:

Send your donation to one of the places below.

The suggested donation to get a reading is $25 but ANY amount helps.

You will be sending your money to me, Sofia

I will then be transferring money to Her Future Foundation in Sierra Leone for their programs.

Or you can donate through GivenGain if you prefer to send it directly to the Her Future Foundation organization. There is a delay of 2-4 weeks before the funds arrive via GivenGain. We may have to apply your funds to a future fundraiser if we do not receive it in time. It will be added to our tallies when processed. ​Pay through GivenGain​

If you’d like to spread the word about this event, spread this link: ​https://sofiawren.com/tarot-party/​

Thanks for reading


Overwhelmed? Simple thing to do

🦋 💜 🌿 How are you?

Lots has been going on, and life is up and down, but I keep finding my way up.

Today I am sharing:

  • an article I wrote on what to focus on if you are overwhelmed.
  • an upcoming Tarot for Charity Event

If you are feeling overwhelmed, I wrote something for you:

What should you do if you are overwhelmed?

When things feel chaotic, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is look at your foundation.

It’s stressful and overwhelming, so it can be hard to know where to start–all you have to do is pick something foundational from this list below.

Work on any part of your foundation– When in doubt, you really cannot go wrong.

Shore up your foundation and you will feel less anxiety and more grounded.

Feel free to make your own list, but for me, my foundation includes:

  • My Mental Health:

    getting support or therapy; assessing how I am feeling; determining where I need boundaries, or what I am stressed about and taking action accordingly; spending time with friends and hobbies that support mental health.
  • My Relationship with Myself:

    changing my self talk or perception; having more self compassion; forgiving my mistakes so I can move on while learning from them; having patience with the fact that I need rest or other things and meeting those needs that I have.
  • My Physical Health:

    making doctor appointments; exercising; deciding meals to cook; eating well; taking vitamins; showering.
  • My Home:

    getting functional shelves or containers; decluttering old items; organizing my things; cleaning things; repairing things; car maintenance
  • My Presentation:

    playing with everything in my wardrobe; finding items that are missing; enjoying how I look; getting a haircut or color; trying a new hairstyle; wearing makeup I have or deciding what I need. (I find when I look good, I feel better.)
  • My Admin:

    taxes; paying bills; processing mail; dealing with paperwork that needs doing; organizing budgets; renewing passports; requesting documents.

Yes, that is a lot of things.

You do not have to tackle all of this at once, think of this list as a list of OPPORTUNITIES to feel better: you can start with whatever feels most natural and easy for you.

As you begin to build a solid foundation bit by bit, you gain strength. Each step makes it easier to handle other parts of the list, and your foundation becomes wider and stronger. You will feel the difference.

That’s what makes something foundational– it sits at the root under all the little stuff. It is enduring which means the energy you spend there will pay off greatly in time.

Things have been stressful for me since my dad died in 2021. Believe me I had a lot to deal with.

Accordingly, I’ve gone to my roots and foundation, continually reflecting on how to shore up my foundation. Over the past few years I chipped away at this list.

Now I can really see a big difference. It has really been evident recently how far I have come. I no longer have those niggles of feeling like my life is on fire.

I know it can be overwhelming especially in the beginning.

Here are three ways I can help if you are overwhelmed:

1. Optimism

If you don’t think it’s possible to feel less chaos in your life…you are probably right.

I created a low cost Program called Optimism to help you feel it is possible to be successful.

And it’s about getting things done.

It’s a home study course that includes a class to help you get started on doing all the things that will help you have a more positive outlook on life. This includes helping you find what is foundational for you to focus on right now.

The workbook included will help you to set goals, and mark your progress week by week. You’ll have tools to address challenges and keep track of what is working the best.

Get the Optimism Program to feel more grounded and capable of tackling the things that need tackling.

2. Organization

Are you trying to address multiple things across all these areas?

Having trouble organizing everything?

I created a system to help me get things done both for my life, as well as my writing and business.

Keep an eye out–

I will soon announce the early bird sale for the next 3 Month Digital Organization Club!

Coming in April-June.

More info coming soon.

Keep an eye out for the early bird discount on the Digital Organization Club

3. Focus

Distracted? Overwhelmed?

I’ve been recording these cowork sessions so that you can focus and get some work done with me.

I have put together a whole playlist of the recordings that you can throw on at any time:

See the replay of all my free Cowork Sessions Here

Thanks and now I would like to celebrate….

We did it!!!! We helped Ismatu go to college:

I just want to take a moment to thank everyone who was a part of this fundraiser.


We were able to help Ismatu with expenses for her microbiology courses.

We helped her pay her fees to complete her 2nd year of college.

Two years running, we did it.

I will be announcing another fundraiser for the remaining student, Aminata,

who we helped last year as well.

We will be doing a TAROT for Charity event like we did last year.

I will send a separate email about that,

but you can add this date to your calendar:

Wednesday March 19

1-2 pacific / 4-5 Eastern

My friend Kris Oster and I will be fundraising and

giving out Tarot readings to everyone who donates!

In the meantime you can read about Aminata and donate at the link below!

We sent Ismatu to college successfully and Aminata is next!

It’s the last college fundraiser of the year…

Make a Small Donation so Aminata goes to college here.

Thanks for reading


I’m really proud of this

🦋 💜 🌿 How are you?

This past week for me has been very snowy and cold. I’ve been busy and a bit emotional. But I’m hanging in there. Hope you are, as well.

In this email are a few things that may amuse, inspire or delight you.

And just a reminder that there is only a week left in our fundraiser to send Ismatu to college, more below.

Yesterday I published a new article on Linkedin & I’m extra proud of it:

Do you dismiss thoughts or ideas you can’t immediately put into a box?

Do you suppress your desires when you start wanting something that feels difficult, unattainable or impossible?

There’s another way to write or be creative…

Read my free article “Be Led By the Fire: Writing into Formless Creativity” here for free

Free Cowork Session

Distracted? Come join us to focus and get some work done together Last week I did recorded another cowork session:

​See the replay of my free Cowork Session Here​

Join our fundraiser to help Ismatu go to college:

I was on the phone in 2023 with an amazing young girl from Sierra Leone.

She told me that she used to be scared.

Ismatu is her name–

She said as a young, Muslim, indigenous girl, it was scary to visit communities where she knew no one.

But she wanted to talk to the women there.

She wanted to talk to them about traditions that hurt women like Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and why it must stop.

Over 90% of women there have already gone through FGM.

She wants to change the cycle.

So even though it was scary and uncomfortable, Ismatu had a mission to help women and girls.

So she kept going. That fear did not stop her.

Where she is from 90% of women cannot read a sentence.

Not only did she finish high school,

but she won a regional high school debate on the topic,

“Why Girls Deserve an Education.”

We want to see her succeed.

We want to see her shine brighter.

We want to see a girl like her, blooming out of rough soil, show everyone in her country what girls can do.

We want to amplify her voice.

I am a part of a movement to support girls and women in Sierra Leone,

in a place where it is not unusual to marry girls as young as 8,

and to require FGM of all women.

It never heals right. It’s awful.

Over 50% of women are scared of their husbands.

Don’t get me started on the rates of women who believe violence is deserved.

Sexual assault of minors is so common,

it’s been declared a national emergency.


What better person to lead a movement of change than a girl, like Ismatu?

Last year we raised $500 for Ismatu to go to college.

In January we raised over $300 for her college supplies. We are raising another $500 to help her pay for her second year of college,

and avoid dropping out.

Only 1% of women in Sierra Leone graduate college, and The deadline for her schools fees are Feb 28.

Have a spare $25 to donate? Anything you have to give is appreciated

Make a Small Donation so Ismatu goes to college.

Thanks for reading


Joyful Events Happening Soon

🦋 💜 🌿 How are you? Hope you are doing ok

Try to find a joyful thing to do today!

Here are a few events going on that might bring you joy. Much love xo

Free Cowork Session

Distracted? Come join us to focus and get some awesome work done in community.

The next FREE live cowork will be on Tuesday, Feb 11, 2025, 11 AM EST

​Click here to join the live cowork here ​

Live Interview:

Tools for Genius Thinking and Writing: Commonplace Books

​Watch it here live Feb 12th, Wed at 5 PM EST​

Can’t make it live?

​It will be reposted in the On Purpose Woman Global Community private group here. ​

This interview is inspired by my article of the same name in On Pirpose Woman Magazine:

​You can Read the Article for free here​

Join our fundraiser to help Ismatu go to college:

We are helping Ismatu in Sierra Leone stay in college and avoid dropping out.

Only 1% of women in Sierra Leone graduate college, and

most suffer human rights abuses like FGM.

The deadline for her schools fees are at the end of February.

We are halfway to our goal. Anything you have to give is appreciated Join us with a small donation here:

Make a Small Donation so Ismatu goes to college.


If you don’t feel balanced…

🦋 💜 🌿 How are you? Hope you are doing ok

These past few weeks have been intense, at least for me,

and there is still a lot of work to be done.

I don’t always feel balanced,

and I am not always that productive, honestly.

But lately when I need help to get work done,

I flip on one of my cowork session replays.

This week I recorded a free cowork on how to:

find a deeper sense of balance
so you can focus & work

If you are feeling distracted:

These replays of the cowork sessions will help you focus.

What it looks like:

Before we work, we began with a quick exercise that you can do anytime to ground and focus on what really matters.

You have to get into the right headspace to work and be your most genius.

That’s how you become more effective with your energy, and be strategic with the time you have.

Watch this week’s cowork on balance so you can focus & work

The next FREE live cowork will be on

Tuesday, Feb 11, 2025, 11 AM EST to

We will do exercises to find a deeper sense of balance and then commence working together.

Click here to join the live cowork on Tues Feb 11, 11 am EST

Remember —

Apathy is never the answer.

Even difficult things can be changed.

I’ve been a part of successful social movements:

  • changed lives &
  • changed laws

Don’t take on too much by yourself.

Together we can achieve anything:

See the 3.5% rule

Join our fundraiser to help Ismatu go to college:

All live coworks and replays are free &

by watching you help us spread the word about our fundraiser:

We are helping Ismatu in Sierra Leone stay in college and avoid dropping out.

Only 1% of women in Sierra Leone graduate college, and

most suffer human rights abuses.

The deadline for her schools fees are at the end of February.

We are halfway to our goal. Join us with a small donation here:

Join the fundraiser for Ismatu.

Thanks for reading


All of us canaries. In it together

🦋 💜 🌿 How are you? Wishing you well today.

There’s a lot going on.

You know, sometimes I feel like a canary in a coal mine.

I grew up in an environment where sensitivity and empathy were not valued. Shamed.

But I’ve come to see it as the gift it truly is:

noticing problems before others, or being able to put them into words. I’ve also developed a lot of skills to cope with the rough tides of life.

The challenge for me is always that there are things I need to do even if I don’t feel well, if my heart is heavy. So that is part of why I am feeling so drawn to hosting free coworks on Youtube lately.

We get more done by creating a dedicated space to do work together, whether it is creative work like writing, or more analytical like planning what to do next.

I also can share things with you that help me to stay focused and resilient during these sessions. Helpful exercises that we do together, as well as inspiration to remind you of everything that is good.

I saw a quote recently that you can see the darkness in the world, but look, don’t stare. That’s the reminder for me today.

We also have to celebrate the small victories and wins, like that last week my community and I raised $420 for charity to send a woman in Sierra Leone, named Ismatu to college!

We haven’t raised the full amount, but we met our first goal to provide her with the supplies she needed to enter lab class: a gown, cap, shoes, gloves, etc. She is receiving the funds immediately so she can enter class and not get too far behind on her microbiology degree.


I think it is so important to celebrate that.

We have to celebrate every small victory and keep our eyes on the future, on what we are creating, on what we want to see.

AND to remember how many other people there are who care. The amount we raised was mostly small contributions around $30 each. Many of us came together to combine forces.

There are thousands, millions of us, maybe billions.

People whose hearts are full of love and caring and dedication to making this world better in some way.

And together I believe we can do that, if don’t sink too deeply into the feeling of powerlessness.

No matter what you fear or face, the person who holds the pen on the story of your life is yourself.

You can take your own power away, or you can give it back and decide how you want the ending to be. I truly believe that.

We don’t get to decide the times in which we live, only how we respond to them and what we do.

So these coworks are my way of giving to the community but also creating a rich environment to tap into all these juicy, positive feelings myself 🙂

If you want to get work done and feel more resilient so you can make your way forward with confidence in this strange and wacky world,

​Join me for a coworking session live tomorrow: ​

​Wed Jan 30 at 3 PM EST/ 12 Noon Pacific.​

Remember — we all have a part to play in creating a better future. We all have a piece of the puzzle, my piece does not have to look like your piece.

But together we make up a harmonious whole.

I truly believe that each of us is here to play some sort of role, and fit into a larger effort to make the future something beautiful. We are all necessary.

I hope this success serves as inspiration.

It is possible to make a difference.

Wishing you peace.

Want more information about our fundraiser to help Ismatu go to college?

​ Read more about our charity efforts, and get the current information about it here.​

Thanks for reading


Celebrating + Starting Monday right

🦋 💜 🌿 How are you? Wishing you a happy week.

Below, I have a free resource to help you to set up your week right and make it a productive one.

But first, I really want to celebrate how far we have come since last week.

We raised $420 for charity to send Ismatu, a woman in Sierra Leone, to college!

This means that we met our short term goal to provide her with the supplies she needed to enter lab class: a gown, cap, shoes, gloves, etc. She is receiving the funds immediately so she can enter class and not get too far behind on her microbiology degree.


I think it is so important to celebrate that.

Truly last week I was feeling very discouraged and despondent that we would not be able to help in time, but people stepped forward and we are where we need to be now to help her continue her education.

She has worked so hard, and her home is such a hard place for women, this is a light in the darkness for them. And for us!

Anyway — we all have a part to play in creating a better future. We all have a piece of the puzzle, my piece does not have to look like your piece.

But together we make up a harmonious whole.

I truly believe that each of us is here to play some sort of role, and fit into a larger effort to make the future something beautiful. We are all necessary.

I hope this success serves as inspiration for you to know that there is good happening, and it is possible to make a difference doing what you feel called to do.

Also — I would love to help you to start this week off right.

I just did a live cowork focused on setting yourself up for a powerful week where you move the needle on what matters most.

It’s free!

Watching the replay, you will get my guidance on how to start the week right.

When you watch you also help us to amplify word about our charity efforts as well as collect the rest of the fees needed for Ismatu’s college education.

​Watch it here to get ready for a productive week ahead.​

Live Coworks for Charity

What is it?

This is a free chill hangout space to find your grounding, and work on your creative, growth or work project like journaling, writing, doing tasks or organizing your ideas.

And when you watch you are doing good: helping to raise a few hundred dollars in fees for a young woman in college.

She’s from a place in Sierra Leone, where only 10-20% can read, and only 1% of women graduate. This is a lifechanging way to support women to escape poverty, abuse and violence and get a good job and without the success of our fundraiser, she will have to drop out.

How much is it ? Free to attend! Free to support! Free to help!

Tips are welcome but no donation required. Everyone who joins us is helping us spread the word, and that alone is appreciated. Come do good with us!!


On youtube: ​Watch the Cowork for today I just recorded here now​

Make sure to hit the bell on Youtube not only subscribe to all my videos but get notified the next time we go live for a cowork session!

How to help?

Watching, liking, commenting or sharing with a friend help us to spread the world!

Want more information?

​ Read more about our charity efforts, and get the current information about it here.​

Thanks for reading


New! Free Cowork for Charity Event

🦋 💜 🌿 How are you? Wishing you a happy week.

I am doing okay –

I am excited to be doing something new and I hope it takes off.

Maybe you can help?

I’m having trouble communicating with people to spread the word.

It’s hard to cut through the noise.

Here’s what I am doing:

Live Coworks for Charity

What is it?

This is a free chill hangout space to find your grounding, and work on your creative, growth or work project like journaling, writing, doing tasks or organizing your ideas.

And when you watch you are doing good:

helping to raise a few hundred dollars in fees for a young woman in college.

She’s from a place in Sierra Leone, where only 10-20% can read, and only 1% of women graduate.

This is a lifechanging way to support women to escape poverty, abuse and violence and get a good job and without the success of our fundraiser, she will have to drop out.

How much is it ?
Free to attend! Free to support! Free to help!

Tips are welcome but no donation required. Everyone who joins us is helping us spread the word, and that alone is appreciated. Come do good with us!!


On youtube: ​You see the first Cowork for Charity I just recorded here now​

Make sure to hit the bell on Youtube not only subscribe to all my videos but get notified the next time we go live for a cowork session!

How to help?

Watching, liking, commenting or sharing with a friend help us to spread the world!

The Back story:

Right now social media platforms are changing like crazy and I’m pretty sure their algorithms all hate me (cries). Haha no just kidding…but maybe?

It’s bad timing because I have something important to say.

As you may know I work with a charity called Her Future Foundation to protect girls and women from FGM and human rights abuse in Sierra Leone.

I’ve personally given a lot of money to support them in recent months. Their founder was in the hospital last week, so we donated then and also in December and also in the fall…

So unfortunately when I got another request this week, I couldn’t donate all that much.

I think a lot of us are stretched thin right now.

Can you relate to that {{ subscriber.first_name }}?

But basically one of the young ladies I was able to help with a fundraiser last year needs help now.

Last year I rallied the community for her college fees so she could stay in college for one year.

I named Ismatu, “The Girl Wonder” because of her amazing skill at debating for women’s right to an education and against female genital mutiliation and inequality. She was a very brave teenage girl advocating for women’s rights out of sheer passion.

Raising the money for her college fees last year was something amazing we as a community did in 24 hours in 2024,

but it’s just not the same situation this year, this week. Given the LA fires and so much else.

Ismatu is now entering her second year and needs $380 USD ASAP to pay for equipment for her microbiology lab class. This science track will ensure she has a job after college. Good news – we have $80 including some left from our December fundraiser,

and just need $300 more.

So solution time…

I wanted to think of a way to invite more people into this movement to change her life.

Even people who cannot donate right now could be a part of the movement to just help spread the word.

So that’s when I got the idea for Cowork for Charity because

not only can we build community to achieve our personal goals and make progress on things important to us,

but we can also use our hangout time as a vehicle to keep spreading the word about Ismatu until hopefully we find enough people to help Ismatu not only get her lab equipment but also eventually pay for her next year of college.

Anyone watching the youtube video, liking, sharing it, commenting, will help us spread the word even if you can’t give funds!


We can all do good together with this project.

​I hope that motivates you to turn on this Cowork for Charity replay. ​

Play the video, comment, like it and watch out for more.

Additional live Cowork for Charity events coming soon – I will be trying to make them better and more fun every time!

This is just the beginning.

Let’s do our work and do good at the same time.

​Please check out this video, like, and comment to spread the word!! ​

It’s for a good cause 😀

If you want to donate

Send your donation to one of the places below.

The suggested donation is $25 but ANY amount helps.

You will be sending your money to me, Sofia

I will then be transferring money to Her Future Foundation in Sierra Leone who will work with Ismatu to pay her fees.

  1. Venmo @Sofia-Nitchie or
  2. PayPal ​​https://www.paypal.me/SofiaNitchie​​

    If you have questions like about the legitimacy of the organization, or the project, feel free to contact me.

    See the tally of how much we need with daily updates at the general fundraiser page here


    If you can’t donate that’s okay!

​ Please just enjoy the Cowork for Charity video so we can get that out to more people​


I got something cool in the mail…

🦋 💜 🌿 I hope you have been doing well.

Things are going okay over here –

Good news, my friend Ariefa, the founder of Her Future Foundation has recovered a lot from the scary health situation last week. Yay!! Thanks for the good vibes everyone!

And I got something exciting in the mail.

I have been waiting for it for several weeks–

Let me back up to it’s significance.

Last year I wrote about my journey to be more motivated.

I started out 2024 feeling really stuck. Losing my dad was really hard on me and it took years to find my mojo,

but finally I got a clue.

I learned motivation was something I have to work at

​(click here if you missed that post July 2024 about motivation, a lot of people liked it.)​

Something that really helped me was a notebook I created to help me stay motivated.

It was a commonplace book focused on motivating and firing me up!

full of

-writing that inspires me

-reminders of what’s important

-pretty pictures

It was working really well for a while!

​(I wrote about my process successfully keeping a common place book in Sept 2024)…..​

But no system is perfect.

Sometimes I just get bored.

I need a change.

In December I realized that the wheels had fallen off a bit.

I used to be excited to open my notebook and lately I just felt blah.

And I also felt blah about the new year and facing my todo list after the holidays, too.

But I knew what would put some pep in my step and help me get back into it:

variety and pretty things!

So now back to something cool I got in the mail….

it was a box of fun and practical things….

To give my precious Get Fired notebook a glow up!

Isn’t she pretty?

And sometimes prettiness is practical.

As a result of the change, it hasn’t taken long to get back on track–

I am obsessed with this notebook again and even the anticipation of a fresh look had me digging into it’s contents all week long.

I want to give you a tour inside my motivational “Get Fired” Commonplace book!

This book has changed my life!

That’s why I know it is so important to keep using it.

Since I made this disc bound notebook last year I have filled it with all kinds of goodies I can’t wait to show you.

Losing my dad a few years ago was really hard but this has helped me get back up,

and get fired up when things get hard and my goals feel overwhelming.

It’s made a huge difference also in how motivated and optimistic I am despite my obstacles.

​Watch my new video tour as I flip through:​

I show you what the notebook looks like and

how I use it to stay motivated to deal with my life and tackle my goals.

​Watch my new video tour inside my “Get Fired Up” notebook!​

I use this book in conjunction with my digital system, and as I explain in the video above, they work really well together.

If you’d like to organize your ideas, goals or notes for writing or business projects,

​come join the Digital Organization Club ​

It is not too late.

Do you Want to Organize Your Ideas?

Things people are saying about the Digital Organization Club:

I’m having so much fun with it.”

“I’m going to continue!”

“I highly recommend this course if you feel overwhelmed with a bunch of ideas.

“saved me hours and hours of searching!”

I used to have trouble finding things, and using my ideas.

Now I know where everything is and it has changed my life.

In the last few years I used this organization system to:

-publish 25+ articles in 6 months.

-sell out multiple writing groups in my business.

-improve my health, financial, and personal joy.

Truly, being organized did so much more than just help me reach my potential professionally, it has been a huge book to my mental health.

Getting organized so I could find my ideas better helped me make faster progress on goals in all areas of life.

Are you having trouble finding your ideas?

Are they getting lost in documents, notebooks and other places?

Is your brain a little spicy 🌶️ and nonlinear?

Find peace and calm through organizing your ideas!

Make faster progress on all your goals, life and work, when you are organized.

Join us now for the 3 month class !

It’s not too late!

Do You Need More Optimism?

🦋 💜 🌿 Are you feeling

-anxious or hopeless,

-discouraged about the future,

-unmotivated or overwhelmed in the face of your challenges

The Optimism program is designed specifically for you to gain the resilience, hope and drive you need to climb out of difficult situations.

✅ Feel Lighter & Stronger:

Feel more optimism and hope despite facing real challenges with a 1 hour class on somatic tools to sooth and shift your emotions.

✅ Clarity on What to Do Next:

Feel more alive and motivated on a regular basis by writing in the 28 page printable Workbook & discover what to tweak in your life to be more optimistic.

✅ Long Term Optimism Transformation:

Follow the step-by-step process through thick and thin to increase your long-term optimism by following the instructions sent by email over 30 days (that you can turn on or off anytime).

You GET IT ALL in the Optimism Course Bundle!

💥 Get it on sale!

​Click here to read more about Optimism​

Do You Want Help Writing for Your Book or Business?

2 Month Rapid Progress Program

💥 Only 1 spot available in the Rapid Progress 2-Month Program!

Want to make faster progress writing for your book or business?

Imagine waking up each day totally clear on what to do next to make faster progress on your writing projects or business marketing.

Whether you’re working on a book or business content,

this program is an affordable, high-impact way to move the needle in a big way by the end of the year.

You can accomplish a lot, without burning out or having a life that sucks.

The Rapid Progress 2-Month Program Includes:

✅ Clarity & Prioritization: Sort through ideas with me so you always know what to focus on next

✅ Weekly Feedback: Check-in with Sofia via voicenote or email—no live calls required!

✅ Editing Support: Submit up to 6 pages of your writing per week for feedback

🎁 Bonuses: Get access to the Optimism Challenge E-course + 2 months of the Video Vault packed with resources to support your business and writing goals.

💥 Only 1 spot remaining

for February & March

Click here for more info about the 2 Month Rapid Progress Program

“Sofia masterfully guided me to tune into my own wisdom to discover what my business was telling me. It was such a unique and empowering experience. Sofia’s approach is unique and highly effective.” Keasha Lee Ince, Striking Statements

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great week.

Thanks for reading!