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Your Purpose

I’ve always been drawn to spiritual leadership–learning from teachers all over the world including a Masters in Spiritual and Pastoral Care how to help people through their dark times of confusion by calling on the creative spark.

Creative energy is a part of each of us. Ultimately we are all our own teachers.

Here’s what I learned that I didn’t expect after years of searching.

Our dark times, our suffering, our questions are all a part of our unique mission: 

to be fully ourselves and live out the purpose of our existence.

What is that purpose? It took me a long time to understand mine.

For me writing, creating, and mentoring others is a part of my purpose.

So is:

Walking through nature and traveling.

Falling in love with my fiance and asking him out.

Reading books that excite me.

Feeling good under the sun.

Wearing the colors that make me smile.

I believe your life is your biggest work of art–I want to help you blend the colors to create the masterpiece that will sustain you and make you feel truly alive and vibrant.

Do you ever resist what you know you need to do in your life?

Or are you not sure what you need to do next?

It’s time for you to do what you were put here to do.

For a limited time, I am offering 3 people a free 30 Minute Creative Discovery call.

This is for you have many passions or directions you can go in

Or if you feel like you have to fit a certain little box to operate in the society you live in. 

All of that can make it feel so difficult to know what to do next.

I help you connect to your true voice, so you can find many of those answers more easily. 

You can figure out whether to juggle multiple projects or if you should focus on one at any time.

You can express yourself in a way that is playful and fun, not stressful and boxed in

You can know how to navigate your relationships, your dreams for career, creations, and your life. You’ll make faster progress on it all and be more fulfilled and joyful.

Take a step towards the creative life you could have with a free Creative Discovery Call

Contact me now if you’d like one of the 3 spots.

You are here for a purpose.