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Write With More Ease | Creative Values Pt. 2

πŸ¦‹ πŸ’œ πŸŒΏ

Can you relate to this?

I don’t know about you, but πŸŒͺ️ when I feel like I don’t have enough time,

🏡️ listening to myself goes out the window, and

🏡️ my self care goes out the window and

🏡️ all these other good things go out the window.


Giving yourself more time to do things–and taking a deep breath–

is a great way to make sure you are taking care of yourself, as well as getting more things done.


And for writers, some stories take longer than you may think they will.

My first book took 8 years to write, edit and publish.

Sometimes it takes time to produce something you are PROUD of.


I value having enough 🌷TIME 🌷and not feeling rushed because

πŸŒͺ️ living under a constant deadline negatively impacts my mental health πŸŒͺ️

and the same goes for the people that I serve.


That’s why for my 🏡️ Summer Writing Group coaching program, I originally planned for it to be seven weeks long,

but in the end I decided to make it six months. πŸ΅οΈ



Because I really wanted people who wanted to write to get space to

🏡️ connect to themselves on a much deeper level,

🏡️ have work-life balance, and

🏡️ share more deeply, richly and easily in their writing.

Which is the perfect vibe for writing during the summer, don’t you think?


What if you let yourself have a little bit more time?


to write

🌷 a new bio for your website,

🌷 or your first blog post,

🌷 your sales page, or

🌷a few more chapters of your book.


No matter how long it takes–at the end of it, you will STILL be farther along than you are now.


🏡️ What would it feel like to have six months rather than seven weeks to make progress? πŸ΅οΈ


Giving yourself time makes it so much more spacious,

so much more expansive and

allows you to slow down listen to yourself and be kind to yourself.


I’m super excited for this summer’s writing group where we will all have the time to do this in a community together!


The Summer Writing Group opens next week!

There are already about 8 people signed up, continuing on from the last group.

There will be MAX 8 spots for new people to join.


If you want to join us, I recommend joining the waitlist as the group sold out the past 2 times and the spots are limited.

​Click here to join the waitlist for the Summer Writing Group.