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Process: WHY and How to Find the Energy to Keep Going

SW-336x280When the going gets tough, and you feel tired, how do you keep going? 

It’s an important thing to think about because sooner or later it hits all of us hardworkin ladies.

We have to dig deep to find the reason why it’s worth continuing otherwise it’s easy to give up. That or take never ending naps or become a weepy mess.

I’ll admit I know this from experience!

Being a highly sensitive woman, I get exhausted after long intense work days especially when meeting lots of people.

Case in point is this week–I’m at a conference. I’ve spent about at least 30 hours in the last three days networking, learning, listening, filing out exercises, and trying to be feeling my best to take everything in!

I’m actually staying up late right now to get this post to you because it’s very important to me to share my WHY. 

Why? WHY? Why do this at all? Why continue? Why try?

This is what I ask myself when I feel low. When I feel tired, drained and out of control, which often happens when I am so exhausted and yes–overworked.

In this video I provide myself as an example, and I demonstrate how you can use this powerful tool to reconnect with the energy you need to accomplish the things that are really important to you.

This will allow you to keep going even if it’s hard and even if you are tired. Much love MWAH!

You can visit SacredArmor.com for additional tools for sensitive women to overcome the struggles of overwhelm, drain, and difficulty sharing who you are.

Express yourself fully as a strong independent woman who knows what she wants, who she is, and can ask for what she needs. 



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