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What’s going on in April

Well, how are you doing?

Living in Wisconsin this April has been very strange. We had several 80+ degree days of sunshine, followed by an inch of SNOW.

Today it’s back in the 50s. And it’s raining. A lot. ☔

Other than trying to wrap my head around that, it’s been busy over here. I’ve been juggling:

  • Writing pro bono for a grant application

    I’m trying to get long term funding for the nonprofit Her Future Foundation in Sierra Leone. I’m running a fundraiser in the meantime which you can find below.
  • Planning an interview series on the topic of Writing as Transformational Leadership

    We start 11 am EST on April 28th! I’ll send more info on that in a few days. It’s part of the gear up to open doors for the Summer Writing Group.
  • Getting ready to release a free class on how to make writing for your emails fun

    I really, really enjoy writing to you. My email newsletter is my safe space to share. I’ll tell you more about how you can have more fun with it, too, when I’m ready to share about it next week.

More on all that next week!

And here is a roundup of things that are ready for your reading pleasure:

Help us end FGM. I'm fundraising to help a nonprofit that serves vulnerable girls in Sierra Leone. Help us end human right abuses for girls. Read now. A picture of 5 indigenous people in Sierra Leone holding signs that say "Yes, we can end FGM together"
New Article n Writing and Leadership. "Nervous to Write About This." On doing the work to write and share about something edgy or uncomfortable when your heart keeps calling you. Read now. A picture of crumpled papers next to a notebook.
New Video. Is writing in the 3rd person dead? See the delightful chat I had on this topic with Ginny Robertson of On Purpose Woman Magazine. Picture of the two of us talking on zoom. Watch now.