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Special Event: Transformational Healing Author Interview

Jamie See the live conversation with Jamie Saloff, author of Transformational Healing: Five Surprisingly Simple Keys to Redirect Your Life Towards Wellness, Purpose, and Prosperity.

Did you feel that? Something shifted. And when you felt the shift something changed inside of you. You suddenly knew that whatever it was you were doing, you no longer wanted to do it—or at least, not how you’re doing it now.

During this live event you’ll have an opportunity to learn the side-effects of this shift and how to access the unique-to-you knowledge you need to take guided action steps to affect it.

I’ll also be open to talking about writing, publishing, and marketing books.” ~ Jamie Saloff

Jamie will be joining me, Sofia Wren, for a Google Hangout Live on March 27, 2014 a 2 PM EST to chat with us about books, healing and spirituality. 

Now that the event is over, you can see the replay above and check out more Author Interviews here.

Jamie Saloff has a free resource. She says, “You can find the free healing audio I mentioned in the video with no sign up, currently at the bottom of my coaching page on my author’s prophet website here: http://authorsprophet.com/index.php/products/coaching

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