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Special Event: Interview with Love + Passion Expert Stacey Martino!


Need some help being happy in your romantic relationships? This week I’m honored to talk to Love and Passion expert Stacey Martino.

Would you like to listen to this juicy interview for free? Click here to download

What a month, I’ve been interviewing some amazing people– experts on money and spirituality in addition to Stacey’s expertise on LOVE. I organized this interview as a special bonus for my Sacred Armor  eCourse: Creating Better Boundaries for Sensitive Women. You can sign up to learn more about the course, which will be coming back in October, baby!

This was so fun, so meaningful and so heart-swelling I had to share this. You deserve love, yes you do! I know Stacey can help you especially if you are IN a relationship that you want to improve.

Here’s more about Stacey:

Stacey Martino helps people who feel stuck, frustrated and helpless with the challenges that intimate relationship brings. Stacey firmly believes that it absolutely does NOT take two to tango!

Through targeted, strategic private coaching, programs and live events for her Relationship Transformation System®, Stacey empowers you to transform your intimate relationship without needing your partner to participate in order for this to work for you!

Formerly known as “The Ice Princess”, Stacey is intimately aware of what it takes to transform oneself to be ready to both give and receive love and passion like you have never experienced before.

Trained and certified by Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes, Stacey is a certified marriage educator and divorce preventionist. Stacey is a sought-after relationship expert appearing on numerous media outlets and telesummits and is the Relationship Expert for Aspire Magazine.

Listen to this love-filled interview for free! Click here to download


Keep an eye out for more news about the Sacred Armor  eCourse: Creating Better Boundaries for Sensitive Women. I’ll be running it again and opening registration October 16th!

In the meantime if you need help speaking up about what you really think and feel, and knowing what to do next— I can teach you how to hear your intuition clearly and trust it so that you always know what to do. That will make other people more likely to feel comfortable around you, because you are comfortable with yourself.  Let’s talk in a free strategy session.

Love you! Enjoy the interview x Sofia Wren