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Special Event: Get Excited About Life Again ~ Free Class


Free class tonight at 7 PM EST with replay!

Feel Excited about Life Again: Tuning into Emotional Harmony, a Free Class

Release stress with ancient practices. Enliven your spirit, and all that you are so that you can bring harmony, balance and joy into your world.

Join the group for a free live class with Sofia Wren, Certified Ethical Intuitive Consultant, and Creator of the Sacred Armor eCourse: Creating Better Boundaries for Sensitive Women.

Click here to join live and get the replay! sofiawren.com/live

Also as a thank you for reading my blog, you should know I have a secret discount going on!!

Today is the last day to claim your $50 discount at sofiawren.com/register

But back to the class..

Recently, I talked about how balance is not my favorite word. To me sometimes balance feels flat.

The beautiful tune of harmony is better, as so many of you agree in the comments! We talked about it during the first free class Shortcut to Emotional Balance.

Sounds like we might have something in common?

I don’t want to feel OK balancing work and life. Or even other people’s needs and my own.

I want to weave all the different threads of my life together in a beautiful dance. I want color, and song,and a good beat, a good partner, joy in my heart, yummy food, snuggles, and more. There’s so much to live for!

Thanks so much to the 80 of you who liked the first class on facebook (thank you!!), to everyone who watched part of all the video, and to the nearly twenty people who commented! It’s only been a week!

If you haven’t seen Class 1, the Emotional Shortcut, you can catch up by clicking here.

You don’t have to watch both free sessions to  enjoy the live Class 2 show, but I want you to enjoy all your gifts before they disappear July 2nd.

SO Let’s get excited about life again!

Join us live tonight and I’ll share some colorful wisdom with you to make you feel good in your body :}

See you later

x Sofia Wren

PS Oh and don’t forget—-today is the last day to get your $50 off the Sacred Armor eCourse: Creating Better Boundaries. I’m so excited for you to be more successful in your career, in love, and even in your relaxing time.

Click the Buy Now button at  http://www.sofiawren.com/register and you’ll see the discount when you scroll down on the order page 🙂

NOTE: If you get this after June 19th 7 PM EST– go to sofiawren.leadpages.net/balance and you’ll get a replay of the whole series of classes on Emotional Balance + Harmony for Sensitive Women for free!

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