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Special Event: Free Tarot Reading Online #2

SofiaWrenfreetarotreadingonline8.26.14 It’s free online tarot reading time! Watch the video below for your free intuitive reading.

I can’t believe it’s almost fall now, the weather in Maryland has been so lovely. My partner-consort-man and I have been enjoying the local parks. It’s so nice working from home, supporting my clients with lush and peaceful trees waving all around me.

Thanks to all who came to me for readings and EFT sessions this summer! It’s been a blast, believe me when I say you all change my life, too.

I’m working on new descriptions for my services right now, but if you are interested in the following benefits, let’s have a conversation  to see if we can move you forward.

A few days ago a wonderful healer and teacher was on the phone with me during one of my life-changing conversations and had a HUGE aha in what has been holding herself back for ten years. This seems to becoming more and more the norm!

I can help you:

Know what to do next, because your intuition is that clear and you trust it.

Be more confident, so you will speak up about what you need, and what you really think and feel.

Bust through the limits of how much money you can make and you can have doing what you want to be doing.

Bring out your creativity and easily accomplish your goals in both your business and you life.

Feel more comfortable being you, and other people will sense that and be more comfortable around you too.

Ready for that? Contact me about a conversation or get started with your 1st reading now.


PS There’s still a little time before the free Tapping into Wealth class expires on September 1st! Watch it while you can and bust through the limits on your money!

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  • edna August 28, 2014, 9:13 am

    I want a tarot reading