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Special Event: FREE Resources for Sensitive Women

freebiephoto2Feeling stressed? Need better boundaries?

Being a sensitive woman in a hectic modern world can be tough–it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, drained and to have trouble with boundaries.

Balance is a complicated topic–we are juggling so much these days.

That’s why I’ll be giving a full free hour class live on my Shortcut to Emotional Balance!

It’s Thursday 8 PM ESTat http://www.sofiawren.com/live but don’t worry there is a replay if you miss the live show. 

Be sure to sign up even if you have a todo list a mile long–although it seems like time is something you just don’t have enough of right now, you really can’t afford to continue in an unbalanced state.

Feeling like everything is a struggle, like it’s hard to keep going but making yourself anyway => things ARE harder to do.

That’s right–your inner world is expressing itself in your life and causing accidents, mistakes, confusion, sloppiness, and wasting time on things that are not your priority.

Without balance you cannot listen to your intuition, you can’t make more money, you definitely can’t relax, you can’t improve the intimacy in your White water lilyrelationships or find a great guy (or gal).

You just make things harder for yourself!

So please, take this hour to reconnect to what is really important–your life force, who you really are, your purpose on this planet.

I believe each and every one of us has a mission, and a reason for being here.

No one else can tell you what that is for sure, so if you spend your life putting out fires and fulfilling the expectations set by other people, you might spend your whole life dancing around the real reason you are here.

I know! I did it! My life used to be a wreck, and I mention this in the short video below because I totally turned it around. *Insert dramatic music here*

I want to share with you the tools that made it possible for me to completely change my life around, inside and out.

We need balance inside to create balance outside. We need to balance work and play, responsibility and desire, our individuality and our connection to everything beyond us.

Do you want to learn my Short cut to Emotional Balance?  For free? Sign up here now!

See you soon xx Sofia Wren

PS Don’t forget to sign up for the live show here!

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