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Special Event: Free Class to Tap into Wealth, Create Your Mind-Body Money Map

The love of moneyNo matter what you do, is the money not enough? Find out the real cause and how to clear it from your Body, Mind and Spirit.

Join the group for a free video class by Sofia Wren to open your eyes to the real reason you’ve been stuck when you try so hard.

I help sensitive and passionate coaches + healers push away anxiety and let in money and love so they can be happy changing lives with their gifts. Finally break free and let more money in!


So excited for this class-– This class is based on work I began about 5 years ago, and then intensely over the last 10 months with the Tapping into Wealth system, and now I can see the upward curve that’s happened since I focused on this Money Map we will be creating together in the class. I’ll guide you step by step for free.

I tried just about everything– coach after coach, business program after business program, meditations, affirmations, and so on. But this –this is different.

I didn’t ask to feel like money was never enough no matter what– and you didn’t either. So this is my treat to you, to finally break free! Let’s go!

Sign up to get the Replay of the Class HERE