If you are shy, sensitive or introverted you are needed!!
Let’s be honest the not-shy, not-sensitive or not-introverted people
tend to be a little LOUDER in the world.
Ya’ll I’m craving some new voices in the world!!!
In this time of change!!
We need youuuuuu.
There are cool peeps who are extroverted, nonsensitive, and unshy
But they probably don’t need this blogpost!!!
They are already rolling.
Most people I work with are sensitive, shy or introverted in some way (or used to be!).
People call me when they NEED a push to get rolling
or even a targeted nudge that is gentle yet effective…
So to you I say,
You are needed.
Your voice matters.
And you may compare yourself to where you want to be,
or to other people.
Or never feel like your writing has reached the point it needs to be.
It may be more difficult for you than others to share things with the world.
you keep your ideas under wraps for longer
or you don’t even know how to put things into words to share in the first place.
Don’t mistake me–I throw you no shade for “taking too long”,
it took me 8 years to write my book and publish it,
and I have no regrets on taking my time.
But you need to really absorb this:
You may be sensitive, introverted and shy to the fulllllllllest extent
You, too, can be a leader!
I NEVER EVER used to think of myself as a leader….
or as creative
or as a writer.
No, way! For decades,
I was bullied,
I was harassed.
I didn’t want anyone to look at me
unless I had the RIGHT answer in school.
(And if I didn’t think it was 100% right then I kept my mouth shut.)
Of course, during my teens, I had a very secret blog where I shared more personal stuff!!!
…..but that’s a story for another day…
But all I have to do is look at my latest email newsletter or article,
to totally disprove all that.
Those old ways I used to see myself.
Now it seems totally ridiculous
that I’d ever not think of myself as a writer, or
that I’d ever not think of myself as creative.
But here is the thing…
The next level for me is saying,
“Wow, there is no part of me that doubts if I am a leader.”
Truth is:
I haven’t gotten there yet.
I am STILL working on knowing that with a full 100%
but I am getting a lot, lot closer 🙂
And I do know now that it is just my subconscious/conditioning/ego talking.
Plus getting to 100% really doesn’t fully matter,
because what matters most is whether I’m living my life,
DOING things to act like a leader,
not what I’m called or who believes that about me.
And I can say 100% I’m doing the work baby, I’m writing the words!!
But I want you to know that I have wobbles, too.
I’m human.
But I didn’t get where I am by staying frozen in self doubt.
I dared to believe even when I thought me being a writer was totally stupid.
The point is, whatever your NEXT LEVEL is,
you probably can surprise yourself.
How high you can climb.
What you can accomplish.
What you can write or create.
And it is okay for there to still be a NEXT LEVEL ahead of you.
You’ve come a long way already, and
You don’t need to know everything that you are capable of.
No one really KNOWS that.
(At least all the sensitive, shy, introverted people I know never do hehe.)
As I have seen,
everybody is the same deep down.
It’s easy for the little voices in your head to discourage you,
not just from trying,
but from ever really believing it is possible 100 percent!!
Just remember:
sometimes you just WALK THE WALK, and
let the feeling of 100% knowing it’s possible catch up with you.
But it can definitely help to get support to walk the walk,
and do the things,
and writing the words
with people who are all doing the same sort of thing.
Well, if your dreams involve writing more easily for:
A book,
Course material,
Sales pages,
All the things nonfiction or business related…
Then come join the Summer Writing Group!
The theme this summer is Writing as Transformational Leadership.
Step into the “surprisingly awesome” leader inside of you and
write from THAT space easily so
the words that can help people will pour out of you naturally and
you can inspire, teach and lead others who will love what you have to say.
And then one day, you might look up and think,
“How did I ever not think this was possible? This is just WHO I am.”
The Summer Writing Group is starting!
For free spirits, mermaids-at heart, and entrepreneurs who want to
write for a nonfiction book, website, emails, posts, articles, blogs, or video scripts.
The goals of the writing group:
– Get clear on what to write, get into a flow writing or stay in the flow over the summer.
– Hone your writing so it has the power to move people with your book or your business.
– Use writing to step up as a leader and serve more people who need what you have to say.
Connect to the mermaid inside of you:
your intuition and who you really are
and instantly know what to do or write next.
Step into the leader you are here to be.
The first live meeting is June 1st at 2 PM EST.
This Slow Burn 6 Month Program includes:
The last day to sign up is June 13th
See this page for more information about what’s included in
The 6 Month Summer Writing Group.
Lots of love, courage & mermaid vibes,
Sofia Wren