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Show Up as a Writer & Leader with Nancy Kobel | Writing as Transformational Leadership Ep. 3

“Show Up as a Writer & Leader in the World”

With: Sofia Wren and Conscious Leadership Coach Nancy Kobel.

Nancy Kobel is an expert on conscious leadership and has advice for you if you feel called to be seen as a leader.

The replay is up on the brand new Youtube Channel for Writing as Transformational Leadership!

(And as a bonus, at the end of this interview I tell you how to get the FREE Fun Email Hub, a class and list of resources to help you have more fun writing your emails.)


Nancy is an executive coach, team coach and facilitator with over 30 years of experience in both the public and private sector.

She is committed to developing more conscious leaders and inclusive cultures. As a visionary thinker, combined with her calm, grounding presence own unique leadership style while creating greater trust on their teams and influencing more courageous cultures. Nancy works with her clients to master their own energy, develop their courage skills and to continuously learn, grow and develop into their best self and leader. She is a Core Guide for Chief, a private membership network focused on connecting and supporting women executive leaders and a Certified Dare to LeadTM Facilitator.

Nancy has her M.A. in Instructional Design and a B.S. Aerospace Engineering, spending the first portion of her career as a NASA Engineer before moving into Leadership & Organizational Development. She is also a COR.E Dynamics Specialist in Leadership & Wellbeing. She is currently serving on the Board of Live Water Foundation in Annapolis, Maryland. And is always up for a new adventure, challenging and busting her own limiting beliefs. She is an author, a yogi, a paddleboarder and a mom of two young adults and so much more…

☀ Links for Nancy Kobel:

↳Her Website www.leaderinspired.com

↳Other Links https://www.linkedin.com/in/nancykobel/



☀ Links for Sofia Wren Nitchie, Writing Coach, Teacher & Editor:

↳FREE “Fun Email” Resource Hub

Emails are a great way to connect to the people you are here to serve–but are you not emailing enough? Want to have more fun writing emails?

See this free “Fun Email” Resource Hub to feel more inspired.

Go here to Access the Hub

↳Want to write more for your book or business?

Find more ease and pleasure writing &

Step into the next level of being a leader by writing for your book or business.

Explore Writing as Transformational Leadership as the theme of the upcoming 6-month high-touch writing container and group coaching program–without the high ticket price.

Spots are limited–and we’ve sold out the last two rounds.

Get on the waitlist for the Summer Writing Group for Business Mermaids to find out more when the enrollment opens in mid-May 2023.
Spots are limited to 8 new group members.

Waitlist will get first chance to get a spot.

Sign up for the waitlist here.

Watch Episode 2 in the Series