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Process: Overwhelmed? Get Jazzed and Focused with a Reusable Vision Board


Sensitive and Creative women tend to burn out and get overwhelmed fast. So many ideas, things to do and not enough time to do them.

Sometimes we need to step back, get back to our passion and then everything starts to get easier and make more sense.

This is something I especially help my clients with, so let me know if you need help, but in the meantime, check out this video!

A vision board is classic for finding focus and inspiration, but if you don’t plan them right, they outlive their usefulness.

And unlike most vision boards which get old and stale and mess up your favorite photos, I have a system to reuse your best art, photos and keep them in sync with where you are in your life.

I first heard about Vision Boards in a Dale Carnegie class over ten years ago. I learned that it helped salespeople to sell more to see pictures of things they wanted money for.

Personally I’m more inspired by intangible things–except maybe a really shiny dress or two…

This inspirational and motivational tool will not only help you focus and reconnect with the big picture (those little details are what get you nutty! remember that forest), but will also grow with you.

Don’t you hate making something awesome and then part of it gets old and the good stuff is glued on there with the old crap? Gah.

Well no more!! I finally figured out the answer to Vision Boards that can last for years and years 🙂

Remind yourself of those long term dreams. Let them stay with you, but make it super easy to update with a new focus when you are ready by learning Sofia Wren’s full method–all in this video!

Watch it now.


…can you tell I’m really excited?


Sofia Wren is a writer, Certified Ethical Intuitive Consultant, Teacher, and Divine Sensitive Empowerment Coach. She works with highly sensitive and caring women struggling with overwhelm, drain, people-pleasing, and uncertainty, to find greater happiness, connection, focus, and joy by clarifying who they are, what they want, and asking for what they need.

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