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A brand new course is coming out! Sacred Armor: Creating Better Boundaries for Sensitive Women

Below is a description of the course, and if you are interested in spreading the word to those this course could help– then it’s an honor to repay you with a commission.

Please click here to fill out this form and receive more information on how to enter this mutually beneficial relationship and serve more people!

If you’d like to take the course, registration opens June 17th!

Are you a sensitive woman? Make sure to sign up for FREE Tips from the Sacred Armor Class

Who: Sofia Wren, certified Ethical Intuitive Consultant, is teaching other highly sensitive women who struggle with overwhelm, drain, people pleasing, and uncertainty, to create better boundaries, find their heart’s desire, and to bring it into reality by sharing their perspective and asking for what they need.

What: Sacred Armor: Creating Better Boundaries for Sensitive Women is an online live course run over 6 weeks in a friendly group. The lessons are in short videos that can be integrated in to a busy schedule, with two live Q&A calls, access to a private group forum, and four different bonuses.


When: The course begins on July 7th. Registration will be open between June 17th and July 2nd. Three pieces of prelaunch content to provide value to entice students to the course will be posted in the first two weeks of june and a live kick off call will take place June 17th as the cart opens.

Where: Prelaunch materials and course information will be posted through sacredarmor.com Each partner will have a special link to track and get credit for their promotions.

Why: Sensitive Women have different problems from men, they tend to juggle many things and they often lack of the company of other sensitive women who understand their problems. When sensitive caring women can find their power and voice, the world will be a better place for everyone.

How: Sofia Wren has always been sensitive. After her mother passed at age three, Sofia was highly sensitive to how difficult it was for her widower father to cope yet alone take care of her problems, and she learned to take care of things on her own and be independent for his benefit. Later she began to shrink due to her high sensitiveity to criticism from peers in middle school, and the brashness of her stepmother’s words.

Many people consider sensitivity to be “childish.” Sofia always thought she would grow out of being so sensitive, afraid and anxious, so she was a hardworking teen. However, upon graduating college with a Political Science degree she realized she just didn’t have what it took to survive in that career field. To help people she next volunteered in Americorps as a middle school in class tutor and broke down crying at work from the combination of work and personal life stresses.


After a ten year period of hiding her real personality and desires, Sofia grew back in touch with her creativity and through that the real dreams she had never allowed for herself. She studied under a number of teachers and gained many certifications in healing work such as a License in Massage Therapy, Mastery in Reiki, Six Sensory Certification under Sonia Choquette, and is a Certified Ethical Intuitive Consultant tested accurate by Flora Peterson.

Sofia now realizes her empathy is a gift not a curse, and has refined the ability to intuitively rely insight and information to help her clients find healing, success, and positive ways to move through life.

The tools contained in the Sacred Armor class have changed Sofia Wren’s life by allowing her the freedom to be herself and release the desire to please everyone else but herself. Soon after learning these techniques Sofia sang on stage in front of 250 people, has given testimony in the Maryland Legislature about her personal painful story with an IUD insertion, and has been able to use criticism of her novel draft to make the story better rather than give up. Sofia Wren can speak from personal experience about the benefits of this course and the techniques.

Sound like something you’d like to share? Please fill out this form to receive more information on how to enter a mutually beneficial relationship and serve more people!


What do you want me to do?

Share some information about the course and the special link that tracks who signs up through you. That’s it!

What if I don’t have a website or email list?

That’s ok! If you don’t have a blog or an email list to share with, you could send a few emails to some special people you think would like the course. You could also post on facebook and twitter! You can even share through word of mouth. Really, I appreciate any sharing you could do.

What if I don’t have much time?

You have no obligation to share a certain amount, it’s up to you. So if you only have time to shoot a few facebook posts or emails, that’s your thing. Again I really appreciate the thought.

I’ll send you some facebook and twitter posts and sample emails as well.

What if I don’t really know you and I’m not sure?

I have a lot of blogposts on here you can check out. Also my Youtube videos are very transparent as to what I am about so you can see those too.  I have a lot of success stories here. 

You can also wait to see and consider promoting the class in September. 🙂

What if this isn’t going to mesh with my audience or network?

I understand. Could you let me know the name of someone you know who I should connect with instead? Or another promotional opportunity? That’d be really nice.

Have another question? Email sofia@sofiawren.com


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