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LOA: The Reason You Aren’t Getting What You Want

Are You Receiving the Juice? Pic by Sofia Wren

Trying to make your dreams come true? Are you getting frustrated, making vision boards, visualizing your success, using affirmations and seeing nada?

Well maybe you are skipping a step.

The following post rings true for me lately.

I will probably spend my entire life sorting out this one lesson — learning to receive. 

It’s very important as a creative, sensitive entrepreneur. I always want more inspiration, more intuitive pings, more money and clients rolling in.

But what if I’m standing in my own way?

In the Law of Attraction ‘Bible’ Ask and it is Given by Ester Hicks and Abraham, there are three steps mapped out for receiving anything you desire (ever).

1. Ask.

Life is full of contrasts which allow you to have certain preferences. You express this as a desire (said or not) about how you’d like things to be.

Since quantum physics teaches us that everything in the universe is really a kind of vibration, your desire or asking sends out a frequency.

2. It is Given

The Universe supports you in providing what you asked for by pairing your desire frequency with something similar in nature. I.e. What you asked for!

Of course if you ask for “NOT a sh*t car” then that causes a problem. The Universe won’t process the “NOT” and will continue to bring you a Sh*t car that doesn’t work.

Hence the importance of being clear about what you want instead of what sucks.

Where you put your focus boosts the request frequency that will be matched with the Universe’s gift to you.

3. It is received.

HELLO—Is this you? Is this the reason you aren’t getting what you want?

When the universe comes to deliver the match to the frequency you sent out in the first place, are you home to take the package?

In order to receive what you want, you need to be on the same level of frequency as what you want.

So if you are looking for a dream house and you are so stuck in hating where you live right now, what you really want isn’t going to match up with what you want now.

You could see an ad, and come up with a billion excuses as why it won’t work out.

Package returned to sender.

I’d like to give you a big example from my life:

–My old pen names were very complicated: Sofia D’oro, Wren Doloro, my birth name. I agonized over whether these were good or I should change them and how to juggle profiles, blogs and stuff for each of them.

I wished I could just be like a normal person with one identity. Too bad my erotic writing would probably ruin my reputation as a massage therapist, and being open about my Wiccan Priestess-ness would also weird people out even if they liked .

One day my boyfriend tells me I don’t need a million pen names separate from my massage business. It is actually possible I will be accepted for who I am by everyone–readers, clients, my family. And it would be less work.

Instead of hearing, I listen to the fears and freak out having no idea how that is possible because I am too weird. Still have separate websites.

One year later I hire a couple coaches to help me figure things out about my pen names and brand. They tell me to combine everything under one name and bring up my vibration so I could see how empowering and awesome this would be. I said yes and let them take me by the hand.

Hence my current name: Sofia Wren

Now wouldn’t it have been cool to do that a year ago? Wouldn’t have been so hard.

But I had so much resistance I made a mess to clean up and have to pay for this lesson in time, energy and money.

It is so common to stand in the way of what we really want. 

A lot of us weren’t raised to believe that the Universe is made to support us. That we have to work really hard for what we want because it is NOT going to drop into our lap.

Unfortunately that attitude is a block to receiving.

What if we are causing the problems?

Have you had an argument where the other people suddenly conceded and gave you everything you wanted? Did you find yourself unsatisfied and needing to run through your whole argument again?

Did you ever get something you wanted only for it to cause as much stress in your life as things before it?


  • Practice Gratitude for the things in your life anytime you get in a funk.
  • Keep your eye on the prize—prepare yourself to receive by allowing things to work out with a little patience.
  • Recognize you aren’t fully in control and sometimes what you want will look different than expected. But for every problem you come up with, exercise some faith that a solution will come your way.
  • Stay positive by calling in all the emotions you would feel if your dreams came true. This brings you to the vibration of receiving your ideal life.

That way when the universe comes a knocking with everything you have always wanted, you will be right at the door.

xx Sofia Wren

PS. You need a coach to hold your hand through receiving what you desire, contact me at sofia at sofiawren dot com for a free Manifest Goddess Coaching session.

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  • Shan Watts June 5, 2013, 9:44 pm

    Sofia, I love this post. I learnt a very powerful lesson about receiving from my partner not long after we first met. He was buying me gifts all of the time and without even being conscious of it, I was telling him that he shouldn’t have. He finally said to me that I should be more gracious and accept the gifts in the spirit they were given in – he bought them because it was an expression of love and care and it was important for him to be able to express things in that manner and my lack of graciousness reduced the importance of his gesture. I’ve been readjusting my attitude to acceptance and receiving ever since. Thanks for the reminder xx

  • Caterina Novelliere June 5, 2013, 9:50 pm

    Timely reminder that was much needed. Thanks for writing this!

  • wrendoloro June 5, 2013, 10:28 pm

    wahoo! Receive Receive time.

  • wrendoloro June 5, 2013, 10:29 pm

    No problem, that is such a great story Shan! I know what you are talking about and I’m glad you are so blessed with a partner that won’t take not receiving as an answer <3

  • Shan Watts June 7, 2013, 10:48 am

    Thank you,. I am indeed blessed. He’s the most amazing messenger I’ve had – I learn all the time from him, uncomfortable though it may be at times. 😉

  • SofiaWren June 11, 2013, 1:04 am
