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Infinite possibilities

You are here to make a unique contribution and there are infinite possibilities as to how you can do it.

This is for you if you feel like you are in a box and your choices seem limited:

Option A. be inauthentic to yourself or

Option B. feel bad about yourself. You aren’t doing enough. You aren’t productive, talented, nice enough, blah blah blah.

Stop. Erase that.

There are many possibilities: more than two options.

We cannot even predict half of the things that have happened in 2020 let alone your entire life.

So if anything seems impossible right now when it comes to what YOU are capable of, think twice.

You have got possibilities. You can make your mark any number of ways.

So let that sink in and let your inspiration flow easier.

I’m building a new course on how to find clarity on your unique contribution, especially if you are the sensitive or creative type that wants change the world, but doesn’t like fighting.

I’ve helped hundreds of people find an innate sense of clarity and purpose on what the hell to do next. They’ve used that clarity to create a stir across social media channels, write books, start businesses, write blogs, sell paintings, and breakthrough on musical instruments.

If you want to shine bigger as an inspirational leader, and get the clarity you need to make faster progress on whatever you’re on the planet to do right now, shoot me an emoji or a private message! I’ll let you know more about the course.


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the Cheatsheet for Writer's Block:

For Writers and Creators, and anyone else resisting an important project right now!

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