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How I Ended Up on the Board of a Sierra Leone Nonprofit

How did I get involved with a nonprofit across the planet?

If you are wondering that, flip to page 18 of the new On Purpose Woman magazine.

Check out the free magazine

Big thanks to Ginny Robertson, creator of On Purpose Woman Magazine, who donated a full page ad for the nonprofit I work with–Her Future Foundation.

Recently I wrote a grant application pro-bono for this nonprofit, Her Future Foundation!!! Fingers crossed that Her Future Foundation will receive a year of funding to help 100 girls in Sierra Leone.

I’ve been running a fundraiser for their event to end FGM. It has now raised $255 for girls who can really use it. Thanks everyone!

This fundraiser still serves a very important role for short-term funding to try to help girls avoid going through FGM in Sierra Leone.

Check out the fundraiser